Karla News

The Smoothest Vodka You’ll Ever Taste, at a Fraction of the Cost

Grey Goose

It’s the end of a long hard day after a long hard week. You want something to take the edge off; not too dry, not too sweet, but it must be refreshing. You grab a rocks glass from the cabinet and reach for the ice.

Not too big, not crushed, but just right. Fill it to the rim like you know you should. Now take a lemon or lime, although lemon is my preference, and cut yourself a nice wedge. Squeeze the juice over the ice, and be sure to use a mini strainer, for pits in a cocktail are unacceptable. Cover all the ice, don’t be shy. Then tuck the wedge in its proper place. You’ll know it’s home because it will sit just right. Ah, almost there.

Crack open a bottle of your favorite vodka and pour. Be sure to pour onto the wedge so that you’ll get that instant infusion only fresh citrus can provide. When topped off to your liking, give it quick stir. Only once or twice around, as you don’t want to damage this gentle spirit. Wait maybe a minute or two for the rocks to start to loosen and you’re there. So smooth. Heaven in a glass.

Wow, does that hit the spot or what! I know it has for me on many occasions. That’s the best way I can describe how I felt after I tried Froggy B, the French made six time wheat distilled vodka that I found at Total Wine.

Grey Goose had been a fave for many years, however with the economy the way it’s been, well, I don’t have to tell you. So I’m in the vodka aisle and see the staff recommendations when one in particular catches my eye. Just as good as Grey Goose at half the price”. That was a pretty strong and bordering on outrageous claim I thought! Not possible. It cannot be. I had to find out for myself.

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The 750ml was $14.99 while the 1.75 liter was $28.99, compared to the $25 and $48 of Grey Goose. Hating to get stuck with a large bottle (or small bottle for that matter) of something I didn’t like, I bought the 750ml. Well needles to say, I thought it was fantastic. It was better than fantastic, it was just plain better! Taste them side by side yourself and you be the judge. All I can say is that everyone I have introduced to this wonderful little find has become a raving fan.

So if a smooth refreshing cocktail at the end of a long day works for you, I highly recommend you giving Froggy B a try. You’ll be happy you did. Cheers!

In my area I have only been able to find it at Total Wine, however that may be different wherever you may be. If you happen to find it elsewhere please let us know and we’ll help spread the word!
