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The Power of Pomegranate Juice

Lower High Blood Pressure

Pomegranate juice has become all the rage when it comes to drinking a juice for health benefits. And, pomegranate juice has many health benefits, with more continuing to surface all of the time. Pomegranate juice is produced by squeezing in the pulpy fruit that surrounds the pomegranate seeds. Many companies have jumped on the pomegranate juice wagon, but beware. Not all pomegranate juice drinks are created equal.

When looking for a pomegranate juice, choose a product that contains 100% pomegranate juice, like POMWonderful, or Lakewood Organic 100% pomegranate juice. Products made by companies such as MinuteMade, and Welches do not contain 100% pomegranate juice. In fact, they contain little pomegranate juice, and are really fruit juice blends, or cocktails. Real, 100% pomegranate juice does not come cheaply, so if a product is cheap, you can be certain that it is a juice blend.

Pomegranate juice has a very high level of powerful antioxidants which lower inflammation in the body. Inflammation is the cause of many diseases, including heart disease, arthritis, and cancers. Pomegranate juice has been shown to reduce the risk of prostate cancer, and is also acts as a blood thinner, which lowers the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Studies in mice show that regularly drinking pomegranate juice lowered the incidence of lung cancer and breast cancer in the animals. Women who drink pomegranate juice during pregnancy are providing protection to their unborn baby’s brain, and adults who drink pomegranate juice may slow, or prevent the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

Because of the anti-inflammatory action of pomegranate juice, it is also thought to prevent osteoarthritis by slowing cartilage deterioration. Pomegranate juice has also been found to lower the bad, LDL, cholesterol, while raising the good, HDL, cholesterol. Good cholesterol levels promote heart health. At the same time, pomegranate juice may help lower high blood pressure, another heart disease risk factor. Plaque build up in the arteries may also be slowed by regular drinking of pure pomegranate juice.

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It is hard to find definitive recommendations on just how much pomegranate juice a person needs to drink a day to reap all of the benefits. POMWonderful suggests 8 ounces a day, while other sources report that it is only necessary to drink and ounce or two of pomegranate juice a day to benefit from this powerhouse juice. Pomegranate juice has a tangy taste that is delightful, and mixing an ounce or two in with some sparkling water makes a refreshing, powerful, low calorie beverage.

If the cost of pure pomegranate juice inhibits you from buying it, stop and think about all of the money that you are spending on mocha lattes, which have no heath benefits to speak of. The health benefits of pure pomegranate juice speak for themselves. If it helps prevent any of the diseases listed above, then it is worth every penny in the long run.

11 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Juice

Pomegranate Juice–More Details