Karla News

The Ethnic Cleansing in the Darfur Region is Not an Option Mr. Bush

Darfur, Sudan

This is an open letter to George Bush President of the United States about the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, and I am choosing to write it here so that my voice is not lost in the million of other pieces of mail, which flood the white house on a daily basis.

Dear Mr. Bush,

I am writing this letter to you to urge you to do what you can to stop this ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, as you promised you would do on September 21, 2004 when you first addressed this problem.

I have heard others say why they think you as commander in chief are fighting this war in Iraq, but to me it seems like you are not fighting this war on terrorism at the right location. Iraq is won and Bin laden has high tailed it from there when Americans first landed long ago.

Leave the Iraqi people to rebuild their own country and take the war to the DarFur region where the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, can be stopped. There are million of innocent people being slaughtered there in the name of ethnic cleansing. This is not tribal fighting as the government as Sudan is leading us to believe.

I went to a presentation of the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, and I listened to a very educated man as he spoke of his homeland in Sudan. He spoke of how the government there began this horrific crime against humanity long ago because the Islamic people in the government believed they were the only true race and they wanted all others to parish. My stomach knotted Mr. Bush as I sat there and listened to what this man had to say about the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan.

See also  The Causes of the Darfur Genocide

This man spoke of escaping the ethnic cleansing in the southern region of the Sudan, in 1965. These atrocities are continuing in the Sudan some forty years later, and it is high time to stop these crimes against humanity. Hitler did the same ethnic cleansing genocide atrocities, but he was stopped far quicker.

This man also explained to a very crowded audience that the government pays these Janjaweed militants as well as trained and armed them to unleash untold horrors against the people living in their own country. This was the government thought they would keep their noses clean, but the truth is out and even you know Mr. Bush what is happing over there, so why is it being allowed to continue to happen?

A young man who lived in this region of the Sudan watched in horror as his family was killed and then he, himself was taken as a slave to fight in this ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan. The soldiers made him drink battery acid as a form of induction into this unholy war. This young man later escaped from his captors and rescued by a relief group. He was allowed to enter the United States on a medical Visa, and has since recovered. He went on to graduate from Athens High School, two blocks from my home. It is so incredibly sad that a school-aged child would have to endure this, but if anything, it taught him how to be a strong man.

Mr. Bush your promises to do everything you could to end this ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, seem to have been just empty words. Since you have uttered those words millions more innocent, people have become victims in this unholy war against humanity and it needs to stop now. Now not three years down the road when the next president takes office, I know you cannot mobilize troops overnight, but you sure can do some affirmative action now.

See also  A Brief History of Darfur, Sudan

China is supporting the Sudanesse government and allowing them to do this ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, simply because they have oil interests there. China is not a big bad government and if you were to cut off trade with China perhaps, they would see that their behavior would not be tolerated. Cutting off all trade with China would hurt their pocketbooks, and imagine if the United Nations threatened to boycott China what a strong message that would send.

I learned tonight that the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, in not just another genocide it is a continuing one for all of Sudan. What is next the rest of Africa?

Nope they will be coming back on to American shores, because this government continues to fight a war that is over in Iraq.

We know through the Sudanese refugees like the man who spoke at the school tonight that the fundamentalist Islamic group are the core of the Sudanese government and that is what Bin Laden’s group is as well. Bin Laden has already brought a small taste of ethnic cleansing to American shores, as we all remember all too clearly the events of 9/11 In New York City, Washington and the small town right here in Pennsylvania.

Mr. Bush I urge you to enforce the law, which prohibits all federal contracts with those countries which support the Sudanese government and this means China.

Mr. Bush make good on your promise to begin the ball rolling for the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

See also  How to Throw a Murder Mystery Party

Support the UNAMID deployment to end the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, because I fear like many Americans that if this is not stopped immediately they will bring war back onto our soil.

Please Mr. Bush my children, the children of the Athens Area School District as well as the people of this great nation urge you to live up to your promises and stop the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan. Those are innocent hard working families like us, and they do not deserve to be treated this way just because their government has a warped sense of humanity.

I think I speak for many families around the United States of America when I say we do not want the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, to come onto our shores again. We did not like it the first time back on 9/11 so please Mr. Bush do everything within your power to stop the ethnic cleansing in the Darfur region of the Sudan, our lives are in your hands.


Amy Browne

If anyone reading this agrees with the points I make please go ahead and send the web address of this page to Mr. Bush himself here [email protected] or to his second in command here [email protected] or simply take a look at this official government page for more information. http://www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
