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The Definitive Guide to What to Take on Your Cruise

We are preparing for our third cruise. Our last one was two years ago. I learned a lot about how to pack and what to pack for that one week cruise. This cruise is two weeks and is more of a challenge. I thought I would pass on what you must have, may want to have and how to pack. The must haves and may want to haves are up to you and what you pack will depend on how long your cruise is though some say that no matter where they vacation they would take the same amount for one week as they would for two.

1. The old adage of bringing a couple of bottoms and more tops is really true. My mom always told me that a pair of black slacks and five different tops with different accessories will look like five different outfits.

2. You might want to purchase a mini makeup set. If not then scale back. How many lipsticks do you really need? Can you get away with just one nail polish color?

3. Pashmina shawls are wonderful to have. You can use one as a cover-up on the plane or over your dress on a fancy dress night if it’s cool. These take up very little space and can be bought very inexpensively.

4. Check the fabric of what you are packing. If it says dry clean only I would leave it home. Cruise ships, of course, have full laundry service but you will pay a premium for it. I like the new microfiber underwear which I can easily hand wash because they are so light and they dry in no time.

5. If you do not have a veranda room, a suite or there are four people to a room you may want to consider a hanging plastic bag that has pockets for shoes, pocket books, magazines, etc. This will hang over your bathroom door. If you have a veranda room or suite you’ll have more than enough room for two.

6. Use plastic bags either to cover your clothes or to put between your clothes. You may want to invest, as we did, in a garment bag for our dressy items. I would still keep them covered in plastic but your garments will be much fresher in a garment bag.

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7. I roll up some of my items such as t-shirts and find it space saving. I also have found that taking zip lock bags and putting items such as socks and underwear in them takes up less space then if put in loosely.

8. Pack a small air freshener especially if you do not have a veranda. The room can get stuffy.

9. Take along a travel iron or steam iron. If you don’t want to does either then at least buy a product that when sprayed on your clothes takes out some of the wrinkles.

10. Check with your cruise ship but most allow one bottle of wine. If you take more they may confiscate it but they may not. Alcohol on board is very expensive and if you like a drink in your room before dinner buying a few tiny bottles works. I love Kahlua so I bought a couple and got milk from the many dispensers which I kept in my refrigerator.

11. If you have Crocs bring them. If not consider buying a pair. I bought a second pair that are a bit dressier than the Beach style. I can wear them to the pool, as slippers and at night.

12. Buy a good waterproof container to keep your license, money, room key etc. in when you are on excursions and if you are snorkeling don’t forget an underwater camera. There are stores on board but again I prefer to save the money for the casino!

13. Bring a few clothespins in case you want to hang anything on your veranda to dry.

14. Bring tape. There are a lot of times that may come up that you’ll wish you had some. Along with this make sure you have post it notes or small pieces of paper. You will want to make notes.

15. On some cruise ships the shower curtain tends to wrap around you. If you bring one of those clips that are used to hold a lot of paper you can hang it on the bottom of your curtain and it will keep it down. You can also use these instead of clothespins.

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16. You may want to bring a power strip. Depending on the size of your room you may not have enough outlets.

17. We just had business type cards made with our names on them. You’ll make friends and it is really easy to hand them a card rather than searching for paper and a pen.

18. I get seasick and like Bonine. I take ½ in the morning and if I feel the ship I’ll take another ½ at night. You can try bands for your wrist. I don’t find them to work. This year I am taking ginger candy with me and taking ginger capsules.

19. Check what the weather will be so you’ll have some idea of what clothes to bring.

What not to forget:

Your cell phone which will act as an alarm in case your ship doesn’t have one in the room.

Your charge cards, cruise documents, keys to your car and house, driver’s license, passport and if possible your birth certificate. Don’t forget information for your flight and hotel if applicable.

Your camera, batteries and anything else you use with your camera.

Your medication and bring extra. You never know if you’re plane will be stranded due to weather or for other reasons; Imodium AD or something similar; Aleve or Tylenol, and antacids. I will bring items for dry eyes and band aides. You may find that you need other items such as cough drops but that is the type of item I would buy on the ship rather than taking up room and not needing them. Remember: If you have medication bring the original containers.

Your hair items, shaving equipment, feminine hygiene products, and oral care items. The ship should have a hair dryer. You can check online and find out.

Your glasses. In fact I pack an extra pair just in case one breaks. Don’t forget an eye glass holder and eyeglass cleaner.

Gym clothes and sneakers if you plan on using the gym .

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Bathing suits. You may want to pack three bathing suits like I do but you can get away with one. I’ll pack two!

A corkscrew if you bring wine

A sewing kit and lint roller. Bring small pack of tissue. Bring at least one large manila folder or envelope in case you buy pictures on board.

Highlighters. I can guarantee that you are going to want to highlight items in the daily newsletter you will get.

Books. You may want to take an iPod. I will have books to read and my knitting.

Snacks in the room in spite of so much food. I’ll bring along some trail mix.

Rain ponchos or light jackets or an umbrella just in case you’re out and it rains.

An extra back pack for the items you buy and a tote bag for the pool

Wipes if you are a germ fanatic though on the last cruise on which I went there were papers by the bathroom door handle to use so you don’t have to touch the handle.

Items related to the sun such as lip balm, sunscreen, a cap or hat, and a cover up. I bought a spray on tan product since I don’t sit in the sun and am using that now.

A small bottle of laundry detergent to wash out your clothes with unless using soap is fine with you.

Superglue. It may come in handy.

Snorkel equipment except fins. If you have your own and would rather use them don’t forget the mask and snorkel!

Gloves, a scarf and a warm jacket if you are going somewhere cold.

Finally: Stop your mail, newspaper, get someone to water your plants and feed your fish. Make arrangement for your pets and let your neighbors know that you’ll be away.

Have a wonderful cruise.