Karla News

The Capricorn Man

The Capricorn Man
December 22 ~ January 20

Extreme ambition is your first sign you’re dealing with the elusive Capricorn Man. The ultimate loner is how the world views this man of few words, but alas, not fairly so. He would prefer to be surrounded by an adoring crowd, wishfully, giving a memorable performance. He may seem like he’s amidst a wall made of steel, but that’s just there to protect his sensitive nature. A secret that is almost always assuredly wrapped tight. A woman of great substance and intuition will be able to walk through, though, granted it may take a while. Once over to the other side, you’ll realize, how worth the trouble really was. The Capricorn man possesses an old world Hollywood charm that cannot be compared.

The Capricorn Man may come off a bit sarcastic, humor more aimed for the more intelligent crowd. His charm and wit is not to be taken lightly. He can draw the most discerning to his clever humor easily and often. A man to be admired for sure. His dreams are big and he has no qualms about taking you with him on his ambitious journey, that is, if you’re up to the challenge.

The Capricorn Man loves the thrill of the chase. If you happen to be the one in his romantic view, count yourself among the luckiest of maidens. His standards are high, he seeks so much more than just sheer beauty. In his eyes, that are often serious and practical, he searches for someone who will fulfill his every desire. Behind those sparkling eyes of his, lies his lonely secret. The Capricorn Man is a sensitive spirit that will love you wholeheartedly. A true old soul, as hopelessly romantic as they come. Strong and loyal, you will never be taken lightly.

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The trick here is to reach into his well-kept inner-self and find his true inspirations. The Capricorn’s heart is never worn on his sleeve, it’s tucked deep, very deep within. It will take sincere motivation on your part to break through those barriers that have been built years before you came along. Listen to his stories, intently, real and made up. Offer your understanding, freely give your praise, and watch the magic unfold. The pretend armor that he invisibly wears will begin to melt. Such a sweet man really, one who will hold you with trusting arms and protect you with the fiercest of loyalty.

Don’t let this humble man fool you. Praise can take this man out of his shell, and flattery can send him over the moon. The Capricorn Man may have a difficult time accepting your kind words, but be assured, they mean everything to him. It’s not quite that he’s insecure, it’s more about his need to have his virtues noticed. He works diligently to travel the straight and narrow. Therefore, charm and adoring words are like the sweetest music to his ears. Watch his grateful and bashful gaze as you tout his good deeds. They will mean more than you’ll ever know.

A loving family man at heart, you’ll never wonder where his allegiances lie. From a very young age, the Capricorn Man has held his loved ones on a very high pedestal. To remain on his good side, do your best to get along with each and every one in his family tree. The Capricorn Man takes his time finding the perfect bride who will shower his family with respect and understanding. He will appreciate every attempt you make at gaining their emotional ties. Baking his mom an apple pie, or taking his little brother out to the park will melt his heart. Show the utmost admiration to his wise old dad and you’ve just about hit the softest spot of his heart with finesse.

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All in all, being in love with a Capricorn Man can lead you into mystical unchartered waters. You can either test the waters with your most delicate toe, or dive right in with true abandon. If you’re wise, you’ll take the latter, and you’ll be oh so happy you did. Prepare yourself for stability, good old-fashioned loving, and a few roller coaster rides along the way. Romance and a happily serene future awaits.

Famous Capricorn Celebrity Men

Denzel Washington ~ 12-28-54, Jude Law ~ 12-29-72, Val Kilmer ~ 12-31-59, Rod Stewart ~ 1-10-45, Nicolas Cage ~ 1-17-64, David Bowie ~ 1-8-47, Elvis Presley ~ 1-8-35, Orlando Bloom ~ 1-13-77, Kevin Costner ~ 1-18-55, Jim Carey ~ 1-17-62