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The Best Way to Clean a Chalkboard

Microfiber, Microfiber Cloths

Cleaning a green or black chalkboard might seem easy. After all, who would need directions for simply erasing marks made with chalk? Not all boards are that simple to clean. Some eventually end up covered in a layer of dust or a haze that refuses to budge. Use the most common cleaning method time and time again and the coating ends up ruined. Instead of struggling with messy erasers that do not do a good job or water that will ultimately ruin the surface, use the following easy and effective methods to clean it. With proper care, a chalkboard will last indefinitely.

How to Season and Clean a New Chalkboard

Have you ever tried to write on a new chalkboard and had problems? Initially it seems as if the chalk is too hard, but this is not the issue. A new board must be seasoned, and this can be accomplished with an ordinary piece of white chalk. Simply rub the side of a piece of chalk over the entire board. After it is fully covered, clean it away with a premium felt chalkboard eraser. The surface will be ready to accept new markings. They will show up much better, and without having to press real hard.

Clean it with a Microfiber Cloth

The best way to clean a chalkboard is with a dry microfiber cloth. Most people want to clean a board with water and a wet rag or sponge. It darkens beautifully, but this is a common misconception and the worst way to clean a chalkboard. If it is cleaned in this manner over and over, eventually the water will seep into the wood backing, and the coating will become thin and much lighter. It can also cause the surface to develop bumps caused by the swelling of the material.

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It is sometimes necessary to clean a chalkboard with water, but this should not be a regular method. After doing this, the board must be seasoned again. As previously mentioned, use a microfiber cloth, and make sure it is free from lint. The article entitled How to Wash Microfiber Cloths provides easy instructions. Consult this article to make sure the cloths used to clean a chalkboard are completely lint-free.

Do Not Write on a Wet Board!

Have you noticed that writing on a wet chalkboard will result in darker markings? It might seem as if this is the best way to clean and use a board, but this practice will eventually ruin it. The chalk will stick to the board like glue after the moisture dries, and the markings will not be nearly as easy to remove. In fact, this will create a buildup that is not good for the finish.

Buy Top-Quality White Chalk

In addition to using the best way to clean a chalkboard, use only premium white chalk. Forget about pretty colored varieties. They make cleaning much more difficult. Opt for sticks that are manufactured with only a small percentage of binding material. Consult the boxes for details, and use the aforementioned methods to clean the chalkboard for best results.