Karla News

The Best Nightlife in Nairobi City

December Holidays, My December

I had taken a trip to Nairobi for my December holidays. Nairobi is the Capital City of Kenya. A trip there is fun and worth. People are friendly and the environment is just wonderful. But what amazed me most is night life in Nairobi city.

One day, late at eleven o’clock in the night I took the Matatu (passenger vehicle) to head for my first time outing at night in Nairobi. When I arrived in the city, something amazed me. The sight of the kind of people who were in the streets was amazing. Why on earth were all these on the streets yet they had left warm beds back at home? There were beautiful women on the streets, men were in posh cars, young men and women were holding each other, lips were tacked together and others were just busy going from one place to another.

A city life indeed; “What the hell does this mean?” I asked my companion as we passed by those who were busy enjoying the best nightlife in Nairobi. “These people are making Nairobi a metropolitan city. But wait a minute, you have not yet started your work” my friend answered.

A few minutes later, we were in a cyber café. I had to hold my breath because I was amazed by the multitude surfing at night. Everyone was busy doing one thing or the other online and it dawned on me that this was the best nightlife in Nairobi city.

“What do these people gain by being online at this hour?” I enquired with curiosity. The world is undergoing globalization and since the developed world experience day time when we are supposed to be sleeping, the best nightlife in Nairobi today is to keep awake at night in order to keep in touch.

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The best nightlife indeed for Nairobians; people keep in touch with others in USA, Europe and Australia to name a few countries. The online meetings and transactions that Nairobians find themselves in include attending business conferences, training, and advancement in education.

I was able to ask one of them why he preferred working at night and he told me that he was a web developer for an American firm and he likes keeping in touch with his client. Another gentleman told me that getting instructions one on one from his preferred college makes him feel so good.

So there are two lifestyles that are prominent in the city of Nairobi. One is evident in the streets and gives prostitutes a lot of money, and the other is hidden behind doors where people prefer to work hard and advance in there careers.
It is up to anyone to enjoy the benefits of online work at night. A marvel of opportunities is available for those who would like to take their time and work online. Instead of wasting a lot of money trying to find pleasure in prostitutions, those who are interested in enjoying the best of nightlife in Nairobi city should join those who are technology especially online minded.