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The Best Books for Women to Read

Must Reads

Reading has been a lifelong passion for a lot of people. Why is reading such a popular thing to do? Is reading as popular as it use to be?

Reading is just as popular today, maybe even more so then several years ago. Reading for a lot of people is a way to relax. Some people find time during the day to read while others might read in the evening or when they are in bed. Reading can also be known as the great escape from the everyday situations that can arise. With the way things are in the world right now, reading can be a good getaway.

People that like to read often have problems finding a good book. It can be overwhelming with all the books that are available to choose from. Here are four books that are must reads for you to consider.

1. The Bewitched Viking: by Sandra Hill – this is a very good book that would make a great weekend read. The book is set in Viking times so it would be considered a historical romance. The main characters are Tykir Thorksson and Lady Alinor . Lady Alinor uses her feminine wiles to captivate her captor. Among some unforeseen obstacles, Tykir and Lady Alinor fall in love. If you like historical romances then this is the book for you. It’s an easy to read page turner.

2. The First Husband: by Laura Dave – this is a modern day romance. The characters are recognizable and also the situations that the characters get themselves into. The main characters are Annie and Griffin. They have a whirlwind romance and get married quickly. There is some struggles and sacrifices that take place. It’s a light hearted book. If you like modern day romance then this is the book for you.

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3. Inside: by Brenda Kovak – this book is full of thrills and chills. If you are someone that likes suspense or mysteries then this book is for you. You get a little bit of everything with these characters. The main characters are Virgil and Peyton. Virgil is a prisoner and Peyton is a deputy warden. They come together under unlikely circumstances and have to end up working together to save Virgil’s family. This is a very good suspense mystery that will keep you on edge of your seat.

4. Here, Home, Hope: by Kaira Rouda – this is a very inspiring book and will make you think about any life changing events that have happened in your life. The main character is Kelly. Kelly is dealing with her mid-life crisis and what works for her is fun and humor. Kelly also finds Post-It-Notes to be a very special part of her life. This is a very fun and inspirational book that every woman should read.

These are just a few of the must read books that are available in stores and online. See if these books interest you or do some research and see what else might suit you better.

With the fall and winter months fast approaching just think about being able to sit down and snuggle under a blanket to read a good book.
