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The Basic Tips of Learning to Skate

Mostly every teen and young adult at some point in there lives want to know how to skate. Everybody always want to know the easy route to take. Before you learn how to skate you not aware of the fact that there is no easy route, but you will be glad to know that it isn’t a hard route either. The very first tip to learning how to skate is to get out there and get a feel of the skate. Be sure that your skates are very comfortable and not to small or way to big. Put your skates on and hold on to something solid, but not a person cause sometimes your results can end in a fall.

Once you feel the skates on, then get a feel for the floor nice and slow don’t try to act as if you know what to do already. Doing this will save you less falls, but chances are you will fall at least once or many times perhaps, but don’t give up. It is best to learn how to skate in a skating rink and not on a road. When learning to skate always have your knees slightly bend and use your hands to balance. Bend your knee as if in a beginning to sit position, but yet you still are standing. Try to skate in area with little to no people at all in a open area where there is nothing that is breakable around would be a idea area.

What most people are failing to realize is if you learn the basic steps to skating in regular skates than roller blading and even skate boarding will not be a difficult task for you. Most people that are trying to learn to skate make there first mistake by trying to walk or run in their skates. What you need to do when you are learning is glide, put one foot in front of the other and instead of a walking form do more of a glide form. If you still don’t get it then move your feet as if you are walking, but raise them higher to glide.

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When learning always move at a slow pace until you are more relax with going faster. Concentrate on what you are doing and don’t focus on falling because you will lose your balance. The more you practice the better you will become at skating. Most importantly don’t be afraid to fall it’s bound to happen once. If you find yourself mostly being afraid that you are going to fall this will cause you to have a hard time learning to skate.

Final notes be fearless of falling, never let fear limit your ability to do what ever it is that you desire. Wear comfortable clothing and more important comfortable skating shoes and always have them tied tight. Be aware that if you are too afraid to learn to skate on your own that you can go to your local skating rink and hire a skate coach.