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The 5 Websites High School Students Should Know About

College Prep

When someone is entering high school there are many websites to know about besides the ones that will be mentioned in this guide. Obviously as a freshmen or a sophomore graduation is still a couple of years away and there is no use in stressing about what needs to be done yet. But when you’re a junior or a senior that’s a different story because all of the college things are coming into perspective now with everything that starts happening such as the PSAT’s the SAT’s the ACT’s and all of the other college prep activities. This guide is for everyone though. It should be something that is passed on to any high school student you know about. These websites are the 5 most important sites to know about definitely.

www.THEIRCHOICESCHOOL.edu- A student should always know of at least three schools they think they would like to attend. They should also familiarize themselves with their websites. It should be something that they check out. There they can find all the requirements that are needed for acceptance, they can look at the campus housing or maybe even contact an admissions advisor to request more information about the school. Knowing and visiting different universities’ websites is definitely something a high school student should do.

www.collegeboard.com– This will become a regular website that juniors and seniors visit. If you’re a freshmen or sophomore you should also become familiar with this site. You should maybe even start looking at it and maybe even visiting it regularly to at least answer the SAT question of the day. Yes, this site is everything SAT. They also cover a variety of other college prep things, but the SAT is what they are most associated with. When you want to register, prepare, or even just get to know the SAT this is the site that you will visit. Once you have taken the SAT’s this is also the site where you will be able to see your scores. Remember to keep this site handy as it will be needed during your high school years.

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www.princetonreview.com– The Princeton Review is awesome! This website is definitely a place to visit if you want to get to know everything college related. It offers the opportunity to check out many schools and careers through their informative links, it offers all sorts of information on all tests that will be needed when you decide that you will be attending college. It also has a bunch of links to financial aid websites that will help you receive all the aid that you will need. I also know that this is the site where you will be registering for the ACT which is an alternative to the SAT.

www.fastweb.com– This site will become your favorite! If free money is what you’re after then hurry here. Every high school student and even those who are not in high school should know about this website. This site is jam-packed with all sorts of scholarships, internship, and many other free aid applications. You will definitely need to visit this site during junior and senior year, but if you’re smart then you’d visit it, register for it, and start working on it upon your commencement of high school. You should at least complete 20 applications by the time you graduate. You are sure to love this site.

www.fafsa.ed.gov– Now this is where you will file your federal financial aid form. This is the site that you must visit at least twice during high school. Once to receive a pin number for you and your parents and then again once your parents have filed their income tax returns the last January that you are in high school. It is important for all high school students to know of the existence of this website for it will be probably their main source for aid. You are sure to receive at least one grant for college here. Don’t overlook this website and don’t think that it’s not for you if you’re a well-off student. It’s for everyone and everyone needs to apply.

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I hope that all high school students or maybe even the parents of the high school students know about these websites and visit them soon. They are sure to help!