Articles for tag: Rabies Shot

Karla News

Our Trip to the Wadsworth Veterinary Hospital

Recently, we brought a new puppy into our home. We named her “Lady” after “Lady and the Tramp” because she almost took a trip to the pound. Our friends’ dog had gotten pregnant by accident and they couldn’t afford to keep all of the puppies. She was only a few weeks old when we took ...

Glenn Beck’s Top Ten Dumbest Quotes

Readers beware! There’s another wacko right wing nutjob on the loose. His name is Glenn Beck, and Republicans adore him. They love him so much they want to rub his belly when he rolls over, and pinch his cheek like your grandma used to do. But Glenn Beck is hardly a cute little kitten when ...

Karla News

Puppy Shots – Keep Up to Date with Your New Pet’s Vaccinations

If you have just purchased or adopted a new puppy, then you should know that there are some vaccinations that are essential for your puppy to receive. In regards to when puppies should be vaccinated, basically the length and timing of the window of susceptibility is different in every single litter, and this factor must ...

Karla News

10 Things You Need to Know Before Owning a Pet Skunk

1. You must first realize that a skunk is a wild animal; they are not often domesticated. Being a wild animal, they must be treated with respect. Don’t expect them to behave like a cat or a dog. They do no depend on you like their counterparts, instead they are instinctively independent. 2. A wild ...

Karla News

Is a Wolf Hybrid Right for You?

Wolf hybrids, also known as wolf dogs, are a very misunderstood and controversial “breed”. While they are an intelligent, beautiful, and very family-oriented pet, they are not right for most people. Wolf dogs hold a deep rooted allure for many people, which often leads to tragic results. Although they are almost never aggressive, they can ...

Karla News

Schedule Your Horse’s Vaccinations

Your horse’s well being depends entirely upon you, however. I always say, “You can park a boat for the winter and forget about it, but you cannot simply park your horse. He needs around-the-year care.” One of your responsibilities is regular maintenance of his vaccinations so all those “little and big bugs” cannot get him. ...

Karla News

Is Your Dog’s Yearly Rabies Vaccine Really Necessary?

If you have ever had a dog, at some point you have gotten a “reminder” post card from your vet saying your dogs’ annual rabies shot is due. Most cities and counties have ordinances requiring yearly rabies vaccinations. Over the past ten years or so, researchers have been testing how long the vaccines last. And, ...

Karla News

Parvo and the Importance of Vaccinations

Parvovirus is one of the most common viral infections that a dog can contract, and easily one of the most deadly. Attacking the digestive system of both puppies and adult dogs alike, this virus prevents the infected host from absorbing life-sustaining nutrients and liquids, and can attack the muscles of the heart. Sadly, while vaccinations ...