I remember it like it was yesterday; on my daughter’s first birthday, I called a few of my friends, they brought over their children and we had a birthday party. There were balloons, a cake, a donkey to be pinned, and some silly hats. Then, somewhere during the blur of time, birthday party themes crept in. Her birthday parties became more elaborate with large scale sets, a cast of characters, dozens of friends and “entertainment.” What’s next?

Well, to answer that question, I asked some of my students what birthday party themes would work for a teenager? If you have a teen in your household, then you know “the look” I received. It was a complex mix of “You’ve got to be kidding,” “I might get sick,” and “If I laugh, will I get in trouble?” Apparently, teen birthday party themes are more difficult than I imagined. In fact, teens don’t have themes they have experiences.

I was informed that teenagers do not want a party with a theme, they want an event that is memorable – an escapade. I have compiled, with the help of experts, a list of teen birthday party themes – excuse me, I mean experiences. Good luck with these; hope this list will help. If you are reading this because you have a teen with a birthday coming up, you will need all the help you can get.

Experience #1 – Night out on the Town

Big Idea: This teen birthday party idea features the experience of traveling, via limousine, to a resturaunt of your teen’s choosing. The teen gets to invite a small group of friends to join in on the adventure. The family meet’s the limo party at the restaurant, and after dinner, the birthday group returns via limo back home.

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Hints: Depending on the age of the teen, a parent might want to join in on the car ride. The birthday teen and his/her friends should be encouraged to dress-up as formal as comfortable for this event. This teen birthday party theme will make the teen feel like a rock star, but in a way that doesn’t involve shaving his / her head or being arrested.

Cost: The local limo rental outlet I called would charge approximately $150 for the evening. You would also have to foot the bill for dinner.

Experience #2 – Sports Camp

Big Idea – This teen birthday party idea works if your child has a passion area in a sport. The Sports Camp involves you contacting your local Semi-Pro or College sports team and arranging a sports clinic for your teen child and his or her friends. For example, the parent of one of my students arranged for her son and five friends to have a practice with the local college soccer team. After the practice, he was elated. After the practice, they all went out for ice cream.

Hints: Often, semi-pro or college sports teams are searching for community outreach, volunteer, or good press opportunities. If you have a teen that has a interest for a sport, this could be the event that interest into a passion.

Cost: In this case, the only cost was the ice-cream. The child received the practice, a practice jersey, and a tour of the college sports facility for absolutely nothing.

Experience #3 – A Day at the Spa

Big Idea – This teen birthday party idea is probably more suited for daughters than sons. It is very simple; you purchase a day at a beauty spa for your child and a friend or two. During that time at the spa they will be pampered, treated like royalty, and they will certainly feel grown up. With a facial, manicure, and pedicure, the birthday girl will definitely feel like the center of your universe.

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Cost: This will vary based on the services you request, but it could easily cost $150 – $250 dollars. Keep in mind, you won’t be buying party decorations, pizza, or game tokens. Every dollar goes straight to your daughter. This party can also double as a gift.

Hints: I am a sentimental man, and would still want to have a small “family only.” dinner and cake. Even though your child is a teen, and they have mastered “the look,” I think a part of them still wants to have a little party.

Experience #4 – Dance Club

Big Idea: This teen birthday party theme is bold but exciting. For the dance club, you create a temporary dance club for your birthday boy or girl, let them invite a group of friends, and throw a dance. Many sub-divisions or community centers have rooms that you can rent out for a very reasonable price. The idea is that you make the event seem as much like a dance club as possible. You should have a bouncer, guest list, professional DJ, and as much glitter and glamour as you can manage.

Cost: With decorations, the dance hall, and a DJ, you are looking at approximately $150 – $200. Make sure to check out-of-the box venues such as community centers, community rooms, or even school gymnasiums or cafeterias.

Hints: The cost of this teen birthday party idea could easily bloom outrageously if you over decorate, or if you do not have enough adult presence to make sure that there is no damage to your rental space.

If throwing a birthday party for your teen seems like a daunting prospect, focus on the concept of an experience. The ideas here can get you started, but don’t be afraid to think beyond these. Focus on the passions or interests of your child and try to create a once-in-a-lifetime investment of time and money. Turn a teen birthday party idea into a lifelong memory that can be cherished for years. Who knows? You might just end up with a smile instead of “the look.”