Caring for your skin is very important, especially if you want to say younger looking longer. One of the most damaging things to your skin is the sun. That’s why it’s also important to invest in some good sunblock when you go outside. If you live in a tropical area like Florida, as I do, good sun protection is essential to keeping your skin healthy and burn free. The best sunblocks, I think, are natural sunblocks. They not only protect your skin from harmful UV rays, they are better for your skin than traditional sunblocks as well. Here are my top five best natural sunblocks.

  1. BurnOut Clean and Clear Zinc Oxide Sunblock. This stuff comes in different SPF’s. However, I would recommend SPF 32, as I think it is the most effective and safest. This stuff is water-resistant, lightweight, and has no chalky whitening. Plus, it contains no chemical UV absorbers, no parabens, and it’s biodegradable, safe for the ocean, and and petroleum free, too. It’s really good for people with sensitive skin as well because it’s enriched with aloe vera, antioxidant vitamins C and E, and plankton extract. And it’s hypoallergenic and non-greasy. You can order this at BurnOut:
  2. Jason Natural Sunblock. You can get this sunblock is a variety of SPF’s but, once again, I like to stay in the 30’s range. Therefore, I would recommend Jason Natural Sunblock in SPF 36. This sunblock is 70% organic, water-resistant, and even contains anti-aging antioxidants. It’s made from many natural goodies such as botanticals, proteins, herbs, roots, plants, and vitamins and minerals. It is completely earth-friendly and skin-friendly as well. You can get this at HerbsMD:
  3. Alba Botanica Natural Mineral Oil Free Sunblock. This stuff comes in SPF 18 and it is made from lots of really great earth ingredients. It’s chemical free and even contains micro-fine titanium dioxide which makes is gentle enough for all day, every day use. It contains pro-vitamin B5, chamomile, green tea infusions, and many other safe naturals. You can buy this at, too, at HerbsMD:
  4. Badger Sunscreen. This sunblock comes in SPF 30 and it’s water-resistant too. It contains zinc oxide and no harmful chemicals. Plus, it even moisturizes your skin while protecting it from the sun. And it contains essential oils of lavender, lime, and sweet orange as well as extra virgin olive oil, jojoba oil, and cocoa butter. It is a certified organic products containing 60% organic ingredients. You can get this at Badger:
  5. Soleo Organics All Natural Sunscreen. This sunblock is exactly as its name states, all organic. It’s made using only organic ingredients and contains no chemical UV absorbers, no synthetic preservatives, no petrochemicals, and no artificial fragrances either. It contains ingredients such as sunflower seed oil, grapeseed oil, and cucumber extract. This sunblock is particularly ideal for people with sensitive skin. You can buy this as eVitamins:
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Those are five excellent natural sunblocks. They protect your skin from the sun without harming your skin with their ingredients like some traditional sunblocks. Their purely natural ingredients help keep your skin healthy and young.