Articles for tag: Cold Remedy, Cvs, Zicam

Karla News

Product Review: Zicam Cold Remedy Rapid Melts

I being a mother of three get to endure a large variety of different sicknesses that my children bring home to me from school and daycare. Children are like disease carrying petri dishes absorbing everything in their path. Every month of the year it is something different from the cold, to the flu and ear ...

Karla News

Airborne(TM) Versus Zicam(TM)

Airborne and Zicam are two popular homeopathic cold remedies on the market today. You’ve probably seen their television commercials. Both claim they can successfully ward off the common cold if you take their products at the onset. But, do the question is, do they really work? I’ve been healthy this winter- knock on wood- so ...

Karla News

Product Review: Zicam Cold Remedy

Well, it’s cold and flu season in my part of the country and I thought that I’d share a great new product with you. Zicam Cold Remedy hit the market recently and, in my opinion, is nothing short of amazing. Never have I had a cold remedy product that has worked so well in my ...

Karla News

Review: Walgreen’s Homeopathic Zinc Lozenges

This past Saturday, I woke up with a sore throat. It was bothering me to the point I felt I needed something so I ended up driving up the street to Walgreen’s in search of something. At the time, it felt like I had a cold starting and, I have found zinc therapy drugs like ...

Zicam Cold Remedy Really Shortens Your Cold

It is 3:00 a.m., and you groggily wake up, realizing that your throat aches, your head feels stuffy, and you have some nasal discharge-the all-to-familiar symptoms of an on-coming cold. What’s worse, you have an important business proposal to present in the morning, and there is no way you can miss work. What do you ...