Articles for tag: Chronic Cough, Coughing, Post Nasal Drip, Upper Respiratory Infection, Zantac

Five Common Causes for a Chronic Cough

Having a chronic cough can be quite annoying, and depending on the reason for the cough, there are ways to get rid of it, since a chronic cough obviously signifies a potentially serious underlying problem. The first step to getting rid of a chronic cough is identifying the cause. This will require you to see ...

Karla News

What Are Histamines And Why Do We Need Them?

Histamines are simple chemical substances your immune system cells produce when reacting to an antigen, produced in response to foreign invaders like germs and bacteria. They are only produced in localized places (like wounds) and cause inflammation and a couple of other reactions. This has some interesting effects. For instance, everyone’s had a stuffy nose ...

Do You Miss Vioxx for Your Pain? Try Devil’s Claw

Devil’s claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) is a South African native plant used for a sedative and an anti-inflammatory for illnesses such as osteoarthritis and rheumatism. The plant is also known as the Grapple Plant or Wood Spider plant. It goes by Devil’s claw for the claw type seed pod it has and some Africans has traditionally ...

Karla News

Polident Versus Efferdent Denture Cleaner

When people tell me that I have a pretty smile and nice teeth, I get really giddy inside. They do not know that I have a secret, a secret that no one would ever suspect from me. The secret is I wear dentures. Yes, I have a complete set of full upper dentures that I ...

Pancreatitis in Dogs

Pancreatitis is a reasonably common condition in dogs and is basically an inability of the pancreas to process fat efficiently. The pancreas goes into “panic” mode and begins to shut down. Dogs generally manifest acute pancreatitis by vomiting excessively, behaving lethargically, running a fever, and walking in a hunched over posture. Pancreatitis can occur in ...

Karla News

Pepcid AC Versus Zantac 75

According to information on the Pepcid AC website, over 95 million Americans experience acid indigestion and heartburn annually. It would appear I have plenty of company when it comes to putting up with this annoying symptom of stress, over eating and sometimes just plain excess acid! Of course for years the standard short of a ...

Karla News

Reflux (GERD) in Infants

Almost all babies have reflux for a few months. Reflux is essentially the stomach contents coming back up through the esophagus. In young babies, the esophagus is immature and the baby may spit up after almost every feeding. This rarely poses any bigger problem than that of laundry. Contrary to popular belief, and a belief ...