Articles for tag: Botswana, Zambia

Karla News

Fun Facts About Mozambique, One of the World’s Poorest Lands

Did you Know… Geography With an area of 309,500 sq mi, the Republic of Mozambique is located in Southern Africa. It is surrounded by six African nations: South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and the Kingdom of Swaziland. On the other hand, this Texas-sized region has a population of approximately 20 million. The Country’s Capital ...

Karla News

Blue Wildebeest Facts

The blue wildebeest, connochaetes taurinus, also known as the brindled gnu (pronounced ‘g-new’ or just ‘new’) is actually a subspecies of the antelope, making it related to creatures like the royal antelope. Males are both taller and heavier than females, standing 4.8 feet (1.4 meters) tall at the shoulders and weighing up to 639 pounds ...

Karla News

Pterodactyls Sighted Around the Globe

Pterodactyls (fish eating prehistoric reptiles) have been sighted in present day Africa? Is this a myth or do pterodactyls exist today? I remember the fright I felt as a child learning about pterodactyls and then the relief I felt knowing they were extinct. Now I’ve come across information suggesting that pterodactyls do exist today and ...

Karla News

Fun Facts About Tanzania – from Tourism to Democracy!

Geography Did you know- This land is a modern country in East Africa since the 1960s. The United Republic of Tanzania is surrounded to the west by Rwanda (a French-speaking country), Burundi (one of Africa’s smallest states), Zambia (an English-speaking nation), and the Democratic Republic of the Congo (former Zaire), to the north by Uganda ...