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Pterodactyls Sighted Around the Globe

Childress, Zambia

Pterodactyls (fish eating prehistoric reptiles) have been sighted in present day Africa? Is this a myth or do pterodactyls exist today? I remember the fright I felt as a child learning about pterodactyls and then the relief I felt knowing they were extinct. Now I’ve come across information suggesting that pterodactyls do exist today and are sighted frequently. Pterodactyls sighted all over the world? Hard to believe.

David Hatcher Childress believes that pterodactyls are alive and well and that there have been numerous pterodactyls sighted in modern times. Skeptics feel Childress should be discredited as his interest in pterodactyls and sightings reported, began at the age of fourteen. Nevertheless, here are some of the sighted pterodactyls reported by Childress and other sources.

In Africa, these creatures that have been sighted and appear to resemble, or in fact are pterodactyls, are known as Kongomatos. They have been sighted along rivers in Africa in areas such as Zambia, Angola, and the Congo. Pterodactyls are fishers so this would make a great deal of sense.

Sighted kongomatos are said to have a 4-6 foot wingspan and to be about the same length as that wingspan. These modern day pterodactyls are described by Africans as having a long tail. It has been reported that natives of South Africa, when shown pictures of pterodactyls, identified them as the kongomatos sighted.

South America is another location where pterodactyls have possibly been sighted. According to an article by Childress, A small plane almost crashed into a huge flying bird sighted over the Brazilian jungle. An anthropologist aboard the plane (Dr. George Biles) was quoted by Australia’s people weekly magazine as saying, “This was a classic case of a white pterodactyl with a giant wingspan. Of course, I’ve heard the rumors for many years that these prehistoric creatures still roamed the Amazon. But I was skeptical like everybody else. But that wasn’t an airplane or a UFO flying beside us. It was a pterodactyl.”

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Another possible South American incident of pterodactyls sighted, occurred in the Amazon in 1947. Mr. J. Harrison of Liverpool wrote a letter in which he described a flight of birds seen there, flying overhead. According to Childress, Harrison describes the birds in a letter “The wingspan must have been at least twelve feet from tip to tip. They were brown in colour like brown leather, with no visible signs of feathers. The head was flat on top, with a long beak and a long neck. The wings were ribbed.” He said that the creatures “were just like those large prehistoric birds.”

To make an informed decision about pterodactyls and whether they have been sighted, I suggest you check my sources and your own. Me, I’ll be checking the skies a little more carefully from now on. I need advance notice. I don’t run very fast anymore.

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