Articles for tag: Observe and Report, Paul Blart Mall Cop, Superbad, Year One

Karla News

Comedy Movies of 2009

So far, comedy flick Paul Blart: Mall Cop is reigning the box office for the year. Will these following funny movies follow the success of the Kevin James starrer? Will they be noticed by moviegoers amidst the high-profile sequels and the eye-popping fantasy flicks? I believe good old-fashioned comedies will always find an audience no ...

Karla News

‘Batman: Year One Deluxe Edition’ Graphic Novel Review

There are a few Batman graphic novels that every fanboy and comic book geek worldwide agrees are essential reading. Anyone who is a fan of comic books knows how hard it is to get any of us to agree on anything, but there are some. Most would say Frank Miller’s “The Dark Knight Returns,” Alan ...

Karla News

Original Father’s Day Poems for Cards, Letters, & Sermons

Find a way to express your love and appreciation for your dad this Father’s Day in the original poems below. You will find ways to express understanding of your dad’s role, thanks for his hard work, and love just because he is your dad. Don’t be afraid to share your thoughts, feelings, and emotions with ...

Karla News

A Review of Crossed Genres: Year One

Crossed Genres magazine publishes science fiction and fantasy short stories with a twist. In advance of each month’s publication, they solicit stories that mesh science fiction or fantasy with another specific genre, like Western, horror, or dystopian. After publishing their first magazine on December 1, 2008, the editors of Crossed Genres have collected the best ...