Articles for tag: Screenplays, Writing a Screenplay

Writer’s Literary Agency Scams: Don’t Be Taken

I was so excited, after sending out dozens of queries and receiving dozens of rejections, an agency was finally interested in signing me. I was so elated that my screenwriting career was advancing I failed to notice the warning signs of the scam I was about to fall for. To protect yourself from making the ...

Karla News

Online Screenwriting Classes: Worthwhile or Worthless?

Optimistically lost. That’s how I felt, trying to fashion my failed attempt at novel writing into a decent script. This story should be a movie! I decided one rainy Sunday afternoon while gazing in despair from an expanse of gray sky to the scrunched up paper balls littering the floor. Naively, I also figured it ...

The “Rules” of Screenwriting

Typically, beginning screenwriters enter a world they know little about. Many have never written anything before, let alone a screenplay. Many know nothing about show business, except that they love movies and television. Few know how to write drama, let alone drama that will work cinematically. Novices soon realize that learning this complex discipline by ...

Three Dream Jobs that Really Aren’t Fabulous

Thinking about going to college and majoring in your dream job? You better watch out because your dream many not be all it’s cracked up to be. Don’t be surprised if your find yourself majoring in something that ends up being on America’s Top Ten Worst Jobs list. And you also shouldn’t be surprised if ...