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Product Review: Do Not Buy the Rocking Wheel Chair

The Rock, Wheel Chair

A recent purchase of mine has cause a lot of chaos around my house. I decided that it was about time to splurge on one of those LCD televisions that everyone is always hyping up. This resulted in me bringing home a 42-inch LCD television. One of my instant issues was to where I could put it until I moved out of my current house. I decided that converting one of the spare bedrooms into a living room was a good idea. This meant that I needed to find some furniture to help me truly have a solid video watching experience. My search led me to my local mall in which I found the Rocking Wheel Chair. A quick swipe of the credit card helped me purchase the chair and thus resulted in my latest review.

The Rocking Wheel Chair is pretty unique in it’s overall appearance. Looking at the chair from a distance makes you believe that you are looking at something straight out the future. The shape of the chair is so outrageous that you truly love it or you hate it. Lucky for the chair, I happened to think the design was very art inspired and thought it would look great in my new living room. Besides, the fact that it was a rocking chair helped make it a top seller in my own little world. Everyone should own a rocking chair and this was going to be one of the first ones that I ever owned.

Mathias Koehler is the designer of the Rocking Wheel Chair. The best way you can describe it is as a chair with spindly alien0like legs. Above the headrest area of the chair is the ever important overhead light to assist you in moments of reading. The arms of the chair are no longer present, but that does not matter. You are slouched back so much in the chair that you realize that there is no need for arm rests. In fact, the chair is great for sitting cross legged in and eating a bowl of soup. First impressions of the chair made me think that I was buying something cool. I could of not been any more wrong.

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You will quickly realize how horrible this chair is once you get it into an open area. The chair fails to rock back and forth the amount most rocking chairs should. It is quickly evident that the chair barely rocks and the rocking actually stinks pretty bad. If you hold out hope that the chair will still be worth the purchase because it is comfortable, you would be very wrong. Sitting in the chair for several hours will nearly cripple you. It feels as if you are sitting in a kitchen chair that has been modified. The chair quickly starts to look ugly as well, because the concept makes it look incredibly out of place.

My opinion of the chair is that no one should buy one. The design may draw the art inspired individual in you to purchase it. You will quickly realize that you are making a poor choice and that it does not belong in your house. The thing is ugly and suffers from its design. A quick review online for the product is probably something that I should of done. Many consumers have complained about the chair and this would of set up a red flag for me. If you happen to see this chair in your local store and want to purchase one, decide for the better and do not.


Personal Shopping Review