Articles for tag: Elderberries, Elderberry, Indian Women, Kudzu, Wild Edibles

Florida Edible Elderberry

The Florida Elderberry is plentiful in many areas and is a favorite edible for those who forage for Mother Nature’s free food. While this wild food is considered poisonous in some other states (red elderberry), this particular plant produces dark purple or black looking fruit that is edible. All parts of the Florida edible elderberry ...

Karla News

Two Wild Edible Plants

Milkweed and pigweed-I’ve eaten them and survived! Should I have eaten them? Would I eat them again? More importantly, would I recommend them to my best friends or to my enemies? Milkweed I actually didn’t have a choice; I was an obedient child when I was first introduced to the concept of eating wild plants. ...

Karla News

Freeganism: How to Get Started

Freegans are people who have decided to opt out of the economic system as much as possible. The goal is to buy as little as possible and decrease waste. Every time you buy something, no matter how careful you are to make wise choices, you are supporting an economic structure that hurts people and animals, ...

Karla News

Birding Texas: Sea Rim State Park

Located in Jefferson County, Texas, Sea Rim State Park is a great place to go for Texas bird watching. It has habitats that include marshlands and ponds, forests of cedar and willow, mulberry trees, and the Gulf shoreline. In addition to bird watching, you can go boating, fishing, swimming and camping here. For tips on ...

Karla News

Sumac: An Edible Wild Plant

Several varieties of sumac grow abundantly in North America, but this wild edible still remains little-known to many foragers. Edible wild plants are gaining popularity as culinary elements– both as spices and as key features in meals. Sumac, a flavorful edible wild plant, can be an excellent addition to the wild-gathered pantry of any foraging ...

Karla News

The Incredible (and Edible) Linden Tree

Linden trees, also called Lime, Basswood, or Bastwood, are some of the most useful trees you can find. Long lived, pretty, and surprisingly valuable as a food source, the linden trees are useful for almost any purpose. Given the opportunity, I would plant linden trees everywhere, since they are some of the most prized trees ...

Karla News

Wild Edibles: Are Mayapples Toxic?

Mayapples are a sweet, pungent fruit that grows wild throughout the Eastern United States. Because they are so abundant throughout the lands east of the Mississippi River, mayapples are among the most popular wild edibles, and hold a strong traditional place in native cuisine throughout the eastern half of the continent. However, the popularity of ...

Cooking with Cattails

Wild edibles are becoming very popular, owing to the negligible ecological impact of their harvest and the fact that they are, by default, organically grown. The versatile cattail, known to foragers as the “supermarket on a stalk” is one of the most nutritious and easy-to-cook wild edibles. It is widespread throughout the U.S. and can ...

Serviceberry: a Serviceable Native American Tree

For the serviceberry tree (Amelanchier, by its botanical classification), timing is everything. When it blooms, quite early in spring, its white flowers are pretty much the only show in town. The serviceberry’s pals in the understory, the redbud and dogwood, won’t delight onlookers with their blossoms for another few weeks. The serviceberry provides food for ...