Articles for tag: Gregory Maguire, Wicked, Wicked Witch

Karla News

Top 5 Wicked Witch Makeup Essentials

Are you thinking about dressing up as a stereotypical wicked witch this Halloween? If so, you should consider taking a peek at my list of the top five wicked witch makeup essentials every gal needs. Here it is: Witch Character Base Cream Every wicked witch’s makeup job worth its, “I’ll get you my pretty”, needs ...

Karla News

Differences Between Disney’s Snow White and Grimm’s Snow White

As we get older, we all seem to know that the fairy tales we were told and Disney movies we watched greatly differ from the original Grimm’s fairy tales. Grimm’s fairy tales were, in fact, very grim. Here’s some of the differences in “Snow White.” In the version that almost everybody knows, the Wicked Queen ...

Karla News

A Review of Wicked, the Broadway Musical

Okay, so I know that everyone has their guilty pleasures. It could be a movie that you fall asleep to every night which, for me, is The Notebook (I must have seen the first half of The Notebook 75% more times than I’ve seen the second half). It could be a book that you’ve read ...