Articles for tag: David Foster, One Hit Wonders, Whitehead

Karla News

10 of the Best One-Hit Wonders from the 60’s & 70’s

They came, they played, they conquered the music charts. Like rising stars, they skyrocketed with their catchy tunes. But as quickly as they rose to fame, their songs eventually dissipated from the radio airwaves and concert halls. Some performers tried to carry on, but to no avail. Alas, that marketable sound which propelled these artists ...

Karla News

Free Things to Do in Key West

Your first free stop should be the Key West web site. Here, you can find links and information for most attractions. There are many things to enjoy in Key West that are absolutely free. Here are a few of my favorites: Mallory Square Key West’s Mallory Square is famous for the many street performers that ...

Karla News

How to Get Rid of Your Whiteheads

Whiteheads are the biggest problem with my skin. I do have other kinds of acne that can be more visible but what can be more annoying than bunch of white bumps that just does not go away? Other skin imperfections can be covered up easily and will go away in a few days, if I ...

Karla News

5 Remarkable Women from the 1930s

When people are asked to name famous females from the 1930s, Amelia Earhart and former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt are often among the first mentioned. Some of the culinary conscious may even mention Ruth Wakefield. She invented Toll House Chocolate Chip Cookies. Fans of Royal gossip might mention Wallis Warfield Simpson too. Her love affair ...