Articles for tag: Cultivator, Garden Hand Tools, Garden Tools, Hand Tools, Weeding Tools

Where to Buy Cheap Garden Tools

When the spring season arrives and the weather warms up, do you enjoy getting out there and working in your garden? There are many people who are either working on an existing garden, or growing their very first garden! So of course you are going to need garden tools. But you may be thinking “I ...

Garden Tools for Kids

Does your child enjoy working in the garden with you? Are you afraid to let him or her use your garden tools? If this is the case, then do not worry. You can actually find garden tools for kids in stores and online! Your child can have his or her own shovels, rakes, and even ...

Karla News

How to Clean Garden Tools Clean and Pristine

You don’t have to be a gardener to use gardening tools. Often just general care of landscape requires them. Shrub trimming and shaping, weed pulling, cutting overgrown tree branches and general maintenance often requires a tool or two, even if it is just a shovel or a rake. Gardening and landscape tools are not cheap. ...

Karla News

Where to Buy Stainless Steel Gardening Tools

Stainless steel gardening tools have the advantage of being sturdy and more resilient than other types of tools for the hard-core gardener. Almost all tools can be purchased through gardening supply stores locally, though the quality varies greatly. North Carolina includes a number of these stainless steel gardening tools at local gardening stores, including Southern ...

Karla News

Clever Tool Tips for Arthritic Gardeners

You have arthritis. Gardening is hard work. Still, you love it. You like to keep active. Unfortunately, you know you can’t be as active as you might like without injuring yourself. How you choose and use gardening tools matters. In fact, when you have arthritis, it can mean the difference between actively pursuing your favorite ...

Karla News

Best Birthday Gifts for Taurus

Gift Ideas for Astrology’s Sign of the Bull People born under the sign of Taurus relish birthday gifts thoughtfully matched to their earthy and beauty-loving natures. By keeping this in mind, shopping for them can be fun and rewarding. Birthday gift ideas for a Taurus man or woman are explored in this article. Tool and ...

Karla News

Basic Gardening Tools Needed

Gardening is becoming ever popular. People garden for numerous different reasons. Chances are that you either garden yourself or know someone who does. If you are thinking about starting a garden chances are that you will need to do some shopping for tools. The choice between hand tools and power tools is a personal one. ...

Karla News

Enjoy the Great Outdoors with Adapted Gardening Tools

How do tend to a garden if you have arthritis, are elderly, or otherwise are mobility-impaired? It’s one thing to overcome indoor obstacles like reaching toilet paper on a high shelf; but it’s quite another thing to lift big bags of mulch, kneel in dirt, and hoe weeds. First thing, you need to completely change ...