Articles for tag: Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Fsh, Natural Fertility, Vitex

Karla News

3 Herbal Supplements to Increase Pregnancy

Herbal supplements from around the world claim to increase the ability to conceive and carry a child full-term. This is music to many a woman’s ear, as the mental, physical and emotional stress from trying to conceive and dealing with infertility can wreak even the strongest gal or her marriage. From ancient Chinese medicine to ...

Breastfeeding? Yes, You Can Still Get Pregnant

Even though I told him I would be breastfeeding, I think I received the contraception speech from my doctor a dozen times before I was discharged from the hospital. The mantra of “you can get pregnant while breastfeeding” reigned. I got the point, not that I cared, after have a 9-pound baby sex was about ...

Review of Vitex = a Beneficial Herbal Supplement for Women

Vitex, also known as chasteberry, vitex agnus-castus or Monks Pepper, is one of the best herbs for balancing female hormones. It regulates menstrual cycles as well as relieves symptoms such as headaches, mood swings, PMS, cramping, acne, breast tenderness, water retention, depression and constipation. It can help to relieve many female hormonal issues, is easy ...

Chasteberry – Vitex – Improves Infertility

Chasteberry has been used for thousands of years by women who have irregular menstrual cycles or have difficulties getting pregnant. It helps to regulate hormone imbalances which can help many women with infertility issues. Chasteberry has also been used to prevent dysfunctional uterine bleeding. If you suffer from premenstrual syndrome or menopause, chasteberry is the ...