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Chasteberry – Vitex – Improves Infertility

Chasteberry, Premenstrual, Premenstrual Syndrome, Vitex

Chasteberry has been used for thousands of years by women who have irregular menstrual cycles or have difficulties getting pregnant. It helps to regulate hormone imbalances which can help many women with infertility issues. Chasteberry has also been used to prevent dysfunctional uterine bleeding. If you suffer from premenstrual syndrome or menopause, chasteberry is the answer you are looking for.


Chasteberry is a fruit extract and its scientific name is Vitex agnus-castus. It is commonly known as chaste-tree berry, vitex, and monk’s pepper. Traditionally chasteberry was used to reduce sexual desire in priestesses, but this benefit is clinically unproven. Chasteberry is widely used in Germany by family physicians and gynecologists, states Dr. Beverly Roemheld-Hamm, M.D. Men may discover they’re feeling more frisky than usual after taking chasteberry because of chasteberry’s hormonal effects.


Chasteberry will relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, cyclical breast discomfort, menstrual irregularities, and fertility disorders. Chasteberry reduces your irritability, headaches, depression, constipation, dizziness, anger, and breast pain or tenderness commonly associated with PMS. If you are trying to get pregnant, chasteberry will improve your chances. Chasteberry is considered safe, but more research is needed to confirm its effectiveness. Chasteberry can also reduce symptoms of menopause and acne.


Chasteberry is native to western Asia and southwestern Europe, and is now commonly found in southeastern U.S. Chasteberry is the fruit of the chaste tree, a small shrub-like tree native to Central Asia and the Mediterranean region,” states NCCAM. As Plant Botanic states, this shrub has grey down-covered leaves and it blooms early summer and produces seeds in early fall. The seeds resemble black peppercorns and have a peppery-scent.

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Chasteberry is available in liquid tincture, tablet, and capsule. 120mg of chasteberry will help you increase your breast milk; however, higher doses have not shown to do so. Take one chasteberry extract tablet three times a day for maximum relief of PMS. As a tincture, take 40 drops daily to improve fertility and maintain hormone balance. You will notice acne improvements after taking chasteberry for six months and PMS and fertility improvements after taking for 3-7 months.


You may suffer from mild side effects including gastrointestinal discomfort, dizziness, tiredness and dry mouth, points out Dr. Roemheld-Hamm, M.D. Other side effects include nausea, rash, headaches, and agitation, states Memorial Sloan-Kettering. If you suffer from Parkinson’s disease, do not take Chasteberry. Do not take if you are pregnant or using in vitro fertilization. Talk to your health care provider if you are on oral contraceptives, hormone therapy, or taking any medications for mental conditions. Do not take if you have hormone-sensitive conditions including breast cancer.


Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, “Chasteberry,” accessed September 9, 2009 http://www.mskcc.org/mskcc/html/69176.cfm

National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, “Chasteberry,” accessed September 9, 2009 http://nccam.nih.gov/health/chasteberry/

Planet Botanic, “Chasteberry,” accessed September 9, 2009 http://www.planetbotanic.ca/fact_sheets/chasteberry.htm

Roemheld-Hamm, M.D., PH.D., B., American Academy of Family Physicians, “Chasteberry,” accessed September 9, 2009 http://www.aafp.org/afp/20050901/821.html

Rx List, “Chasteberry,” accessed September 9, 2009 http://www.rxlist.com/chasteberry/supplements.htm
