Articles for tag: Rickets, Vitamin D, Vitamin D Deficiency

Symptoms and Causes of Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is rare in the general population. The major reason for this is that vitamin D is created by the body in the presence of sunlight. The recommended amount of Vitamin D needed is only about 5 mcg/day, which the body can create in less than one hour per week in sunlight. The ...

The Dangers of Vitamin D Deficiency

I never realized until I was diagnosed with a serious Vitamin D deficiency what all problems this could cause. My doctor was very concerned because my levels were dangerously low and he immediately put me on a high dose Vitamin D supplement. Some other health problems my doctor told me Vitamin D deficiency could cause ...

Karla News

Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D is often called the sunshine vitamin because the sun is a natural source of vitamin D. When sunrays hit our skin, it triggers vitamin D production in our bodies. The problem is that in modern society where people spend the majority of times indoors or slather themselves in sunblock before going outside, many ...

Karla News

Vitamin D Deficiency Diseases and Symptoms

Vitamin D is manufactured by our skin in the presence of sunlight. We can also obtain it from some foods such as fortified dairy products and oily fish. Since many of us no longer spend time in the sun without sunscreen, and some of us do not consume enough dairy products, we are now vitamin ...