Articles for tag: Food Intolerances, Gluten Allergies, Meclizine, Vertigo, Vestibular

Vertigo – Symptoms and Treatment

What is vertigo? Vertigo is generally defined as a true spinning or whirling sensation. It is a false sensation that leads the mind and body to believe that everything a person sees(and often the body itself) is in constant motion, when in reality, nothing is moving whatsoever. Vertigo is very similar to generalized dizziness, in ...

Méniére’s Disease: Living with Vertigo

The first time I experienced vertigo, I was lying in bed reading and watching television. There was no warning. I didn’t feel bad… except for my usual allergies, and congestion, I felt pretty good. I turned my head to watch something on television, and that’s when it hit me. I didn’t know what was going ...

Natural Relief from Chronic Vertigo

Thousands of people every day in America suffer from chronic vertigo. It is so disrupting and uncomfortable it can seriously hinder regular daily activities as well as the general enjoyment of life itself. While there are any number of prescription medications available from your doctor, they can be expensive and at best not 100% effect. ...