Articles for tag: Naturopathic, Nystagmus, Vertigo

Karla News

Ok. So You Have Vertigo. Now, What Can You Do About It?

Of course the sensations of movement and symptoms accompanying vertigo can be much more violent in some cases than in others. You can feel like the floor has fallen out from under you, you can be sent hurtling to your knees. You can become blazing hot and red all over and drenched in sweat from ...

Karla News

Are You Suffering with Vertigo and Dizziness in Perimenopause?

If you are suffering from vertigo and dizziness in perimenopause, I can assure you, you’re not alone. Scores of women complain of vertigo and dizziness during perimenopause. So many, in fact, that the posts I write on these symptoms never fail to receive an impassioned response by frustrated and overwhelmed women just like you. That’s ...

Meclizine: Drug Treatment for Vertigo

The dizziness a person may experience is usually classified by doctors as either lightheadedness or vertigo. In the former, the person feels mentally hazy or faint, while in the latter, the person feels that the room is whirling around him. The type of dizziness experienced in vertigo is often associated with certain disorders present in ...

Phobic Postural Vertigo & the Implications of a Pyschogenic Disorder

Psychological disorders can lead to significant reductions in the quality of life when not managed effectively. For many adults, the development of a psychological disorder often results in the desire to seek mental health treatment in an effort to improve emotional, cognitive and physical functioning. For individuals who suffer from psychogenic disorder, however, the complications ...

Head Maneuvers Alleviate Vertigo, BPPV

Treatment for vertigo may come in a variety of forms ranging from bed rest to surgery. For most vertigo sufferers, treatment most often includes the use of prescription medications in addition to strategic therapy styled care, including the use of head maneuvers. If you are suffering from common vertigo, or a condition such as BPPV, ...

Vertigo: What is It?

Vertigo: What Is It? Can you imagine what it would feel like if you suddenly felt the sensation of spinning out of control; or felt your surroundings spinning uncontrollable around you? Can you imagine how frightening that would be? It could be very devastating if you were in a huge crowd, like the mall, for ...

Karla News

Vertigo: Definition, Causes and Treatments

Vertigo is often confused with the terms dizziness and fainting, but all three of these refer to very different phenomena. Knowing the difference and accurately communicating that to your healthcare provider can help to narrow down the possible causes of your symptoms, lead to a diagnosis, and ultimately lead to treatment. Dizziness and faintness both ...

Karla News

BPPV: What is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo?

If you suffer from occasional or frequent vertigo, you may be suffering from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Chances are that if you are suffering from periodic vertigo, you probably have BPPV, because it is one of the most commonly diagnosed types of vertigo. Symptoms of BPPV The symptoms of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo are ...

Dizziness in Women

When my cousin Ellie got up one morning, she felt like the room was spinning all around her. She was nauseous and felt she had no balance. Panic-stricken, she made an appointment with her doctor. Her diagnosis: benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV). Dizziness is one of the most common reasons for people to visit their ...

Karla News

What is Vertigo?

Vertigo is often called dizziness, and it’s just a symptom rather than an actual disease in and of itself. Vertigo refers to the feeling of movement, whirling, spinning, or other dizziness caused most often by a disturbance in balance (equilibrium). Simply put, it’s the sensation that the immediate environment is moving when it is not, ...