Articles for tag: Suffolk County, Vaporizers

Karla News

Negative Reactions Mystify Electronic Cigarette Owners

The booth at the Wisconsin State Fair Expo was black with big, gold lettering exclaiming, “Electronic Cigarettes – The Smoking Alternative!” Initially, I found the concept of electronic smoking laughable, as would most tobacco users. However, after dragging my husband over to the booth for a look, it only took us a moment to realize ...

Karla News

Top 10 Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy has been used for thousands of years as medicines with healing properties. However, now a days we know a lot more about the different types of essential oils and how they can be used to improve physical and emotional health and restore balance to the whole body. Aromatherapy is an alternative medicine that is ...

Karla News

How to Treat a Child’s Runny Nose

Every child experiences a runny nose from time to time. It is part of the common cold and it’s part of being a child in classrooms filled with germs. Sometimes it is hard to determine when to let it run its course, when to see the doctor and when to give your child an antibiotic. ...

Benefits of Using of a Vaporizer

For those who live in climates with dry and cold winter days, it is a good idea to purchase a cool mist vaporizer. Vaporizers add moisture to the air, making rooms more comfortable. Vaporizers are different from humidifiers. Both vaporizers and humidifiers add moisture to the air, the primary difference is that a vaporizer heats ...

How to Store Essential Oils Used in Aromatherapy

Essential oils, used in aromatherapy, have provided many useful health benefits to Americans, both young and old. To obtain optimal results, using the most pure essential oils is always recommended. While essential oils can be expensive, learning to properly store and use them will provide for the most optimal therapeutic benefits and longest shelf life. ...

Karla News

Vicks Vaporizer Reviewed

The doctor told you that you need to get a Vaporizer for your sick child. However, you walk into the store and are presented with quite a few to purchase. Now you might not know which ones will work best for your child and that is a hard choice to make. I know that I ...

Karla News

Why Your Humidifier Stopped Working

Ever buy a warm-mist humidifier or vaporizer, only to find it stops working after a few days? I encountered the same problem and figured out a way to not only fix it, but to keep it working properly for years (with periodic cleaning). Here’s how: Use Only Filtered Water Warm-mist humidifiers and vaporizers work by ...

Karla News

Review: Vick’s Pediatric Warm Steam Vaporizer

My entire family recently had a bout with the flu. And, since we didn’t have enough vaporizers in our house for everyone, my wife ran to Walgreen’s to buy one. The one she picked up was the Vick’s Pediatric Warm Steam Vaporizer. Since she is pregnant, she figured it was a product we could use ...

Karla News

Boost Your Energy with Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy oils can work wonders when you feel tired and lethargic, lifting your mood and boosting your energy levels. We often this of aromatherapy as something to help us relax and unwind at the end of a long day, however, many oils can work just as well to get you moving in the morning or ...

Karla News

Tips for Relieving Your Sinus Infection Discomfort

Sinus Infections can be painful and uncomfortable, and at the best of times they can be resistant to treatment. Your nose may be so congested that it impossible to breathe through it at all, your nose will be red and sore from blowing it so often, and your face and head will be sore from ...