Articles for tag: Blastomycosis, Fungi, Histoplasmosis, Pneumonia, Valley Fever

Karla News

Endemic Fungal Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs most commonly caused by a bacterium or virus, but can also result from inhalation of endemic fungi. Here are the most common. What Is Pneumonia? Pneumonia occurs when the lungs’ air sacs and small airways fill with liquid and cannot function properly. When gas exchange is impeded, the ...

Living with Valley Fever Disease

“Hindsight is 20/20.” Millions of people have had the reality of that saying, as they learn they’ve lived with Valley Fever for weeks, months or even years before proper diagnosis. More are learning to live with it everyday, because Valley Fever is at epidemic levels across the southwestern United States. To learn more about how ...

Causes and Symptoms of Histoplasmosis

The setting was right: a town in the Ohio River Valley with lots of birds hanging out in and around the attic. Unfortunately, it took a skin test at the college infirmary to help identify an odd collection of calcifications on an old X-ray. The verdict, 10 years after exposure, was an infection known as ...

Karla News

Funny Quirks in Medical Terminology

The title sounds quite odd, does it not? Or is it misleading? I personally think medical terminology is rather strange, especially how it can mislead people from a non-medical background. There is an extensive list of bizarre medical terms that define health conditions or medical processes, yet they all sound like small jokes between the ...