Articles for tag: Bilirubin, Blood in Urine, Ketones, Urine Therapy

Urine Therapy: Shivambu Medicinal Tonic Provides Natural Therapy

In episode number seventy four of the hit television show “Friends” titled “The One With the Jellyfish,” Monica (Courtney Cox) was stung by a jellyfish at the beach. Joey (Matt Leblanc) recalled “I’d seen this thing on The Discovery Channel…” As Ross (David Schwimmer), Phoebe (Lisa Kudrow) and Rachel (Jennifer Aniston) realized the implication of ...

Urine Therapy: Using Human Urine to Replace Medications

Urine therapy has been around for thousands of years. Though there may not be any scientific proof that using urine as a replacement for modern medicine works, many people believe in urine therapy. There are two ways urine is used in urine therapy. Internal application is when you consume urine by drinking it. External application ...

Why is My Urine Cloudy and Other Colors?

Cloudy urine and other changing urine colors aren’t uncommon, and they can be scary. Urine is not supposed to be cloudy. It is supposed to be a light clear yellow – not a bright yellow, but a pale yellow or even paler shade. You can tell a lot about what’s going on with your body ...

Karla News

What Causes Brown Colored Urine?

If you’ve noticed a change in your urine color recently, you may be concerned, and for good reason. The color of your urine can often be the first sign of an undiagnosed medical problem. Normal ranges in color from a pale yellow shade to a deeper amber color depending upon the amount of fluid you’ve ...

Karla News

Deodorize Urine Odor with Borax

Urine odors can be very hard to eliminate from surfaces. Pet accidents can be hard to get the urine smells eliminated from surfaces. Bed wetting accidents can leave a mattress smelling like urine. If you have small children with diapers you know that the diaper pail can get gamely over use. Urine odors can be ...

Karla News

How to Remove Urine Stains

Cleaning dog urine is something every dog owner will have to do from time to time. Urine stains can be removed from even the most delicate fabrics, rugs and carpets, and how you clean urine stains is just as important as what you clean them with. Here are the steps you should follow to remove ...

Karla News

Causes of Blood in the Urine

At some point in our lives we’ll probably all experience an abnormal urine color or smell but it doesn’t mean it’s time to panic. Foods like asparagus can cause a foul odor, and blood in the urine (hematuria) might be caused by something as benign as overexerting yourself while exercising. So when is it time ...

Causes of Brown Colored Urine

There are a myriad of causes for a person having dark urine. These causes can range anywhere from serious to not serious at all. In this article, I’ll begin with the least serious causes first, and then get into more serious causes. Sometimes things you eat can produce a urine that is brown colored. These ...

Urine Protein Home Test

Doing your own urine testing will save you thousands of dollars and a lot of stress waiting for test results. In addition it will give you a lot of control over your kidney health. This guide will focus on urine protein home testing and interpreting the urine test results. These are the urine tests I ...