Articles for tag: Bloomingdale's, East River, Goethe, Islamic Art, Upper East Side

Karla News

Things to Do in the Upper East Side of Manhattan

There are so many things to see and do on the Upper East Side of Manhattan, it would take a week to do it all.There is something going on 24/7 365 days a year. If you come to New York, you have to shop atBloomingdale’s. (Lexington Avenue and 59th Street). People have been known to ...

Karla News

Most Affordable Neighborhoods in New York City

When it comes to finding an affordable neighborhood in New York City it can seem like an impossible task. There are however plenty of New York City Neighborhoods which are affordable and great for families. Following is a list of those neighborhoods. The first neighborhood on the list is Sunnyside Queens New York. This area ...

Karla News

The Best Neighborhoods of Manhattan, New York City

Everyone has a different idea of what their ideal neighborhood is. Some like city living, some like green grass and a large back yard and some would prefer to own a condo or co-op. If there is one place where you can choose from all of the choices it is within the five boroughs of ...

Karla News

The Best Coffee in Manhattan

I have never lived in New York, but all that I am (on one side) hails from there, and I have been coming to “the City” for 27 years now to see family, visit friends, search out ancestry, to find a particular book, etc… I guess that makes my 33 years a little bit old. ...