Articles for tag: Functional Foods, Ice Cream Dessert, University of Missouri

More Nutritious Ice Cream on the Way?

Does “healthy” and “ice cream” sound like an oxymoron to you? Well, ice cream makers are on a mission to change all of that. Researchers at the University of Missouri are focused on turning the universal comfort food, ice cream, into a functional food that’s guilt free. What’s a functional food? It’s one that has ...

Karla News

Common Vegetable Garden Diseases

Growing hearty vegetables takes more than just fertilization, regular watering and maintenance. Plant diseases in the vegetable garden can attack multiple crops, depending on family the plant originates from. Understanding the common symptoms of these diseases is important for controlling them before they ruin your garden. Anthracnose Leaf Spot of Beans Anthracnose infections, caused by ...

The Handywoman’s Guide to Outdoor Garden Fountain Designs

Landscape architects already know that water features rule in landscape planning. For the hobbyist, they may look like complicated additions to the backyard. They do not have to be! In fact, outdoor garden fountain designs complement the visual aesthetics and spatial settings of virtually any yard. Of course, to really make them pop, be sure ...

Karla News

What is Johnson Grass and How Do You Get Rid of It?

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) notes that plenty of states classify Johnson grass as a “noxious weed.” Even so, the plant known in botanical circles as Sorghum halepense is widespread. Author C. Neal Stewart, Jr. — in his work “Weedy and Invasive Plant Genomics” — suggests that Johnson grass may have been intentionally ...

Karla News

How to Enroll on University of Missouri’s MyZou

When the University of Missouri switched from STARMU to myZou, it left many of its students behind horribly confused. Unfortunately this new beast is not something that can be ignored. MU students now have to depend on myZou for completing almost all formalities at the university. While I will not claim to have mastered the ...