Articles for tag: Teflon, Umbilical Cord Blood

Karla News

What Kind of Cookware Should You Buy?

I decided to write this for myself as well as for you. For years I’ve gotten confused as to the best material that cookware should be made of. I wanted the safest materials. I’d go to the store and call my daughter to remind me what kind of fry pan to buy. Over the years ...

Karla News

Cord Blood Banking: The Pros and Cons

Many different medical conditions arise in children each year, creating a need for things like bone marrow and blood. With so many different medical illnesses that could arise, there is a need for a new way to treat a patient. Umbilical cord blood is similar to all blood in that it has white blood cells, ...

Karla News

A Research Critique of Effects of Immediate Versus Delayed Pushing

Title: The title of this research study was a good selection and indicated both the research problem and the study population. The research problem is very clear from reading the title; it concerns the effects of two types of pushing during second-stage labor on fetal-well being. The study population is women experiencing second-stage labor. The ...

How Umbilical Cord Blood is Collected

Stem cells can be extracted from your baby’s umbilical cord blood and stored for future medical need. Here’s a summary of how cord blood is collected and banked. What Is Cord Blood? Umbilical cord blood is human blood obtained from the placenta and umbilical cord shortly after birth. The placenta, umbilical cord, and the blood ...