Articles for tag: Eczema, Eczema Cure, Eczema Treatments, Treatments for Eczema

6 Things Eczema Sufferers Should Avoid

Eczema is a very common form of skin inflammation, causing the sufferer to experience mild to serious itching. Eczema comes in different forms; some types of eczema are genetic, some caused by a virus and others manifest themselves as allergic reactions but usually it is a combination of several types. As a former eczema sufferer ...

Natural Treatments for Eczema

Eczema Atopic Dermatitis Eczema, can be an irritating red rash, with dry patches and itchy flaky skin. If you have a mild to moderate case of Eczema, you can try some natural remedies to treat your Eczema. If you are currently under a doctors care, or taking medication, you should always double check with your ...

Pompholyx Eczema: Bumps on Fingers

Every now and then, I get small itchy bumps on the sides of my fingers. They probably aren’t noticeable to other people, and I only notice them when they start to itch. The bumps on my fingers will sometimes weep a clear liquid if I scratch them too hard, and eventually the skin over the ...

How Can I Cure My Eczema?

I want to find a cure for my eczema. For over five years I have been living with eczema. I have been through this and that and several prescriptions for eczema looking for the one that would work for me. While none of the treatments or lotions would cure my eczema I found one that ...