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Pompholyx Eczema: Bumps on Fingers

Eczema, Eczema Cure, Eczema Treatments, Scabies, Treatments for Eczema

Every now and then, I get small itchy bumps on the sides of my fingers. They probably aren’t noticeable to other people, and I only notice them when they start to itch. The bumps on my fingers will sometimes weep a clear liquid if I scratch them too hard, and eventually the skin over the bumps peels little by little until the bumps are gone. It turns out that, in my case, the bumps on fingers are pompholyx eczema, also called dyshidrotic eczema.

What Causes Bumps on Fingers?

In the case of pompholyx eczema, the bumps on fingers are most likely caused by an allergic reaction to the ingredients in soaps and detergents, lotions, or metals. The real cause is still a medical mystery, but could be related to food allergies or environmental conditions in addition to metals or ingredients in things that come in contact with the skin. Some people only experience pompholyx eczema in warm, humid weather. However, bumps on fingers can also be caused by poison ivy, autoimmune diseases, and a parasite infection known as scabies. Your doctor or dermatologist can help you figure out if the small itchy bumps on your fingers are caused by pompholyx eczema.

Is Pompholyx Eczema Contagious?

No, bumps on fingers caused by pompholyx eczema are not contagious. Holding hands or touching someone’s skin isn’t going to give them pompholyx eczema. However, you should consult your doctor if this is the first time you’ve experienced small itchy bumps on your fingers, since some causes (poison ivy, scabies) are contagious.

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Are There Treatments for Pompholyx Eczema?

A natural treatment to help with the itching of bumps on fingers caused by pompholyx eczema is to plunge your hands in hot water (but be careful that the water isn’t so hot that it causes burns) and immediately into cold water, which studies have shown increases the release of histamines. Itching will be intense during this treatment, but will then subside considerably afterwards.

The bumps caused by pompholyx eczema will eventually go away on their own, but some people experience very severe symptoms in which they have an overwhelming number of bumps on their fingers that eventually split and bleed and can become extremely painful. In those cases, a doctor can prescribe steroid creams, ultraviolet light therapy, or antihistamines.

Unfortunately, there is no cure for pompholyx eczema and it is difficult for most people to predict when an outbreak will occur. Knowing what causes the bumps on fingers from pompholyx eczema can help you reduce contact with things that cause a flare-up. These items could include jewelry or certain soaps and detergents. It’s best to talk with your doctor to see if you can identify the trigger for the pompholyx eczema that causes bumps on fingers.

Won-Sik Shim and Uhtaek Oh, Histamine Induced Itch and its Relationship With Pain , Molecular Pain
Marie Hélène Guillet, MD; Ewa Wierzbicka, MD; Stephanie Guillet, MD; Guy Dagregorio, MD; Gerard Guillet, MD, A 3-Year Causative Study of Pompholyx in 120 Patients, Archives of Dermatology