Articles for tag: Caries, Dental Caries, Tooth Decay, Tooth Enamel, Tooth Loss

Karla News

Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Decay

Tooth decay is caused by bacteria, and leads to damage to tooth enamel, which results in cavities. It can also result in tooth pain, infection, tooth loss, and in very severe cases, tooth decay can result in death. There are several signs you can look for in recognizing tooth decay. You can also effectively deal ...

Karla News

Six Foods that Are Good for Your Teeth

You only have one set of pearly whites, so you’d better keep them healthy. One of the best ways to keep teeth in tip top shape is to watch what goes into your mouth. Certain foods, especially sugary ones, directly contribute to tooth decay and gum disease which can ultimately lead to tooth loss – ...

Karla News

Camel Snus vs. Marlboro Snus

According to Camel’s website snus is a smokefree, spitfree tobacco that comes in small pouches, which can be placed under the upper lip. Snus is a popular Swedish form of chew tobacco that comes in small teabag like pouches, which deliver a dose of nicotine to the user without the need to swallow. The health ...

Karla News

Canine Periodontal Disease

How sweet is your dog’s breath? What is commonly known as doggy breath seems synonymous with dog ownership. Yet doggy breath should be neither ignored nor taken for granted. Though some believe doggy breath to be normal, it is often the first indication that owners should sit up and take notice. Sometimes, horrific doggy breath ...

Karla News

The Effects of Smoking on Teeth

The obvious issues of smoking are well known to the public. What most smokers do not realize is that nicotine can seriously stain and destroy your teeth. Tobacco contains substances that destroy your body’s cells and tissues. Periodontal disease occurs when the soft tissue and bone are destroyed due to bacterial infection. Smokers have more ...