Articles for tag: Roman History, Roman Republic, The Crusades

Karla News

Glencoe High School History Books are Woefully Inadequate

It is to be assumed that no book can be 100 percent perfect; nearly any history book will have either a handful of translation/interpretation of event errors or, at the very least, present positions that are still in dispute and cannot be immediately verified. Under normal circumstances, this would be overlooked as the education in ...

Karla News

Crusade Movies

Crusade movies center on the holy wars. However, do not confuse the hundred-year war with the crusades. Hundred-year war the English fought against France from 1337 to 1443 in France. The crusades were a series of religious wars waged by European Christians to recover Jerusalem from Muslims during the 11th to 14th century. Do not ...

Karla News

Middle Ages, the Age of Faith

The Middle ages could be classified as many different ages, from the Dark Ages, to the Golden Age. It could also be known as the Age of faith, and the Age of feudalism. Although everyone believes different, on what they think the Middle age should be named, I believe it should be the Age of ...

Karla News

The Lasting Effects of the Crusades

The Crusades kept all Europe in turmoil for two centuries (1095-1291). Aiming to regain control of Jerusalem from the Muslims and to impede the expansion of Seljuk Turks into Anatolia, Christian Western Europe engaged into a series of military campaigns that cost Christendom millions of lives. Interestingly enough, despite the war, suffering, disorder and crime, ...

Review of the Crusades Through Arab Eyes by Amin Maalouf

In the study of history, it is often tempting to reify cultures and movements for the sake of cohesive narrative or linear structure. Many historians have fallen into this trap, evinced even by the ordinal numbering of the Crusades, but particularly in the condensation of their participants into the Arabs and the Westerners. Drawing primarily ...