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Crusade Movies

The Crusades

Crusade movies center on the holy wars. However, do not confuse the hundred-year war with the crusades. Hundred-year war the English fought against France from 1337 to 1443 in France. The crusades were a series of religious wars waged by European Christians to recover Jerusalem from Muslims during the 11th to 14th century.

Do not be surprised that movies about the crusades are historical incorrect. Hollywood takes creative licenses to boost box office sales. There are two medieval movies about the crusades worth seeing, the first from the Christian point of view.


Kingdom of Heaven

A young humbled blacksmith Balian despondent after the death of family seeks purpose for living. His father Godfrey returns home from fighting in the holy wars. Sees how Baline needs a newfound purpose, persuades Balian to study in the skills of war and chivalric honor code. Dubbed as a knight by his father Balian sets out to fight in the holy war. There in the intense throws of battle, Balian falls in love with Princess Sybylla of Jerusalem. To save her and the holy city Balian emerges as a great leader to defend Jerusalem against insurmountable odds.

  • Rated R: Violence/epic warfare
  • Released: 2005 USA
  • Runtime: 144 minutes
  • Languages: English, Arabic, Latin, Italian

El Naser Salah el Dine

Saladin, ruler of Kingdoms called to attack the holy city with a convoy of pilgrim Muslims. In a short campaign against heavy odds, Jerusalem topples under Muslim reign. Richard the Lionheart unites England, France and Germany to attack in another crusade against Muslims. Saladin succeeds in preventing the recapture of the holy city. To bring peace to the land Saladin negotiates with King Richard in which the King agrees to leave Jerusalem under Muslim rule.

  • Released: 1963 Egypt
  • Runtime: 175 minutes
  • Language: Arabic
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Honorable Mentions


The Crusades

King Richard avoids marriage to Princess Alice of France and marries Berengaria to ensure food supply for his soldiers. Saladin kidnaps Berengaria and takes her back to Jerusalem. King Richards engages in the third Crusades to get her back.


Lionheart: The Children’s Crusades

A young knight runs away from home after the death of his brother. In Paris, he discovers a large contingent of orphans hunted by the Black Prince who captures children then sells them as slaves to the Muslims. The young knight sworn to protect the children leads them to safety.


In Conclusion

Everyone loves a good sword fight. “Lord of the Rings” and “Pirates of the Caribbean” packed in sword-clashing action racked in big box office numbers. However, to find a good medieval movie about the actual crusades, rare indeed.

My personal favorite is the “Kingdom of Heaven.” It has all the elements of good medieval movie: fight for the greater good, save a people, fall in love with beautiful woman, not to mention the adorable Orlando Bloom as the star. Is the movie historically correct? Probably not, but as far as crusade movies go, it is close enough.
