Articles for tag: Bee Pollen, Free Range Eggs, Seasonal Produce, Tamales, Tempe Arizona

Karla News


There is a Farmers’ Market that meets every Thursday in Chandler Park. It’s located between Boston Street and Arizona Avenue, Chandler, AZ. The market is open from 3 to 7 p.m., October through May. More than 40 vendors have signed up to sell goods at the market, including fresh produce (organic and non-organic), salsas, apple ...

Karla News

Introduction to Central American Cuisine

Central American cuisine is a mystery to some people. Some assume people in Central America just eat their own versions of Mexican food, but that is not really the case if you explore their food traditions. It is true that most of these cuisines have some similarity with Mexican cuisine in that the foundations of ...

Karla News

Product Review; Hormel Tamales

Growing up in the city in the early and mid 50’s, there use to be people that would sell Tom’s Hot Tamales on street corners. These vender’s would have a cart that had either a small burner in it or a thick insulated pan to keep them warm. They were sold for 10 cents a ...

Karla News

Vegetarian Alternatives to Lard

I admit, I made a huge vegetarian faux-pas this holiday season. I try to make tamales every December and as we are new to being vegetarians, the challenge was to make a vegetarian or vegan tamale. Just after Thanksgiving, our family accepted a 30-day challenge to try to stay vegetarian for a month and we ...

Karla News

Mexican Cuisine

The flavors of Mexico have been integrated into the culture of the southwest border states for well over a century and in recent decades, the love for Mexican cuisine has spread from coast to coast and border to border. There are now Mexican restaurants around the country, from fast food establishments selling generic Mexican fare ...