Articles for tag: Symptoms of High Cholesterol, Unhealthy Diet

Benefits of Alcachofa

Recently, there has been an increasing trend in alcachofa supplements. The primary ingredient in alcachofa supplements is artichoke extract (alcachofa is the Spanish word for artichoke). But how exactly does alcachofa really help us? What are the health benefits of alcachofa? We’ve learned that antioxidants are an important part of human health. Because artichokes are ...

Symptoms and Risks of High Cholesterol

Concern over high cholesterol has been with us for years. People talk about it all the time. But what is high cholesterol? What are the risk factors that may lead to developing high cholesterol? Could you recognize the symptoms of high cholesterol? No, probably not because there aren’t any. High cholesterol is a silent killer. ...

Karla News

The Risks and Symptoms of High Cholesterol

What is Cholesterol? In our fat-filled fast food world, it’s often difficult to slow down for a minute and consider the considerable amount of damage we do to our bodies. As our waist swells, we can obviously tell we’ve been putting too much fat into our bodies, but often we overlook just what our diets ...