Articles for tag: Brewing Tea, Iced Tea, Lipton, Sun Tea, Sweet Tea

Cold Brew Iced Tea by Lipton

Growing up in the heart of the deep down old south, iced tea was a staple in our refrigerators. Of course we called them iceboxes and all iced tea was sweet tea. I was probably nearing my teens before I realized there was any other way to have tea when I come to think of ...

Is Sun Tea Safe to Drink?

Whenever the temperatures reach 90 degrees around here, I can count on my neighbors to haul out their sun tea jugs. Using the heat of the sun to make this popular beverage is a great past time no matter where people live. It’s easy and fun, and a rather nifty way of harnessing the sun’s ...

Karla News

The Art of Making Sun Tea in the Summertime

When I was a child I never heard of sun tea. When I was in my twenties I heard of sun tea and thought it was some sort of hippy drink. Now I am old and I have been making sun tea for over twenty years. I have tried various forms of sun tea and ...

Karla News

Product Review: Red Diamond Tea

There is nothing more relaxing and refreshing than a nice, tall glass full of fresh brewed tea. With all of the many choices available these days, it is hard to find that one tea that has just the taste you are searching for. A few weeks ago, my sister invited me to accompany her to ...

Karla News

Sweet Home Made Ice Sun Tea

Summer is sometimes a time of heat and thirst. Tea is a cheap and easy drink to make. All we need to make a galleon of tea is a jar and tea bags. Sugar is optional but in this article I will include it. I prefer splenda because it taste just as good if not ...

Karla News

4 Ways to Make Tea Using Tea Bags

Below are the methods I use to make tea at home with tea bags. The sun tea and refrigerator tea can be made while you are at work. The brewed tea and steeped tea methods are used when I am in a hurry to make tea with tea bags. Your favorite tea bags can be ...

Karla News

Top 5 Ways to Make the Perfect Glass of Iced Tea

Whether you call it iced tea or sweet tea, one thing is for certain. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a nice cold glass of the stuff, especially since June is considered National Ice Tea Month. With that said, here are five of the best ways to make a glass of tea: Sweet Tea ...

Karla News

How to Make Flavored Iced Tea

Sun tea, as the name implies, is a slow-brewed beverage made using the heat of the sun, but it is said to pose a hazard because of the potential growth of harmful bacteria. It is important to brew tea at a temperature of no less than 195 degrees Fahrenheit from three to five minutes, and ...