Articles for tag: Stuffed Animals, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Toys for Babies

Worst Baby Gifts to Buy a Mother-to-Be

A friend or family member is expecting, and you need to find the perfect gift. When you think of the countless baby items you can pick from, your mind reels. A good place to start in choosing a gift is to know which ones to stay away from. You want your money to be well-spent ...

Karla News

Helpful Ways to Prevent SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is exactly as the title describes. Your perfectly healthy appearing infant suddenly is removed from your life while sleeping. The result is a family torn apart after the loss of their infant who had just recently been held in their arms full of the promise of a new life to ...

Karla News

Plagiocephaly: How to Prevent Flat Spots on Your Baby’s Head

Because of the worries associated with Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), doctors and other childcare experts recommend that parents put their babies to sleep on their backs. This helps keep the airway open and prevents the baby from suffocating him- or herself. Unfortunately, this practice often results in a flat spot on the back of ...

Karla News

Tips for Avoiding SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome

SIDS – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is defined as the sudden, inexplicable death of a sleeping infant under the age of one year old. It is one of, if not the top fear that new parents have; putting a healthy, happy baby to bed at night and not knowing if he will still be alive ...