Articles for tag: Gloucester Massachusetts, Mackerel, Striped Bass

Karla News

Easy and Delicious Striped Bass Recipes

Here are four easy and delicious recipes for striped bass. Easy Fried Striped Bass 3 striped bass fillets 1 cup flour 1 cup cornmeal dash each black pepper, Cayenne pepper, garlic powder, and salt milk olive oil Heat olive oil in skillet on medium heat. Combine flour, cornmeal, and spices in a shallow dish and ...

Karla News

Kayak Night Fishing for Keeper Striped Bass Off Rockport, Massachusetts

A storm offshore is plowing mounds of swell towards Cape Ann and two days of waves breaking against Straitsmouth and Thachers have littered the islands’ shores with clumps of seaweed which the waves have ground down into a sort of water-borne dust that clouds the water. The northern and eastern corners of Thachers and the ...

Karla News

Shore Fishing Access at Lake Norman

Lake Norman is one of the largest lakes in North Carolina, and is very popular for shore fishing due to strong populations of fish as well as open areas available for free shore fishing. Lake Norman has large stocks of striped bass, largemouth bass, crappie, catfish, spotted bass and bream. Lake Norman is a vast ...