Articles for tag: Std Test, STD Testing, std's

Places Where Men Can Get Tested for STD’s

When people think about Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD’s), they often only think about the possibility of girls and women having them. However, guys also get STD’s too. In fact, the highest number of cases of gonorrhea can be found in young men. One of the main problems with this STD is the fact that it ...

STDs that Show Few Symptoms

If you’ve ever had sex, then you are at risk of having contracted an STD. In fact, it’s a safe bet that you could actually have an STD and not even know it. While STDs often do show noticeable symptoms in both men and women, just as often STDs can show no symptoms at all. ...

How Often Should You Get STD Tested?

Many people are unsure of how often they should get tested for sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs. The most important thing to keep in mind is that this is fairly circumstantial. That being said, there are some general guidelines on how often anyone should get STD tested. Get STD Tested After New Sex Partners Any ...

Why Online STD Photos Shouldn’t Be Trusted

There are many people out there who believe that they may have been infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD). Before making the decision to go to the doctor to get tested for an STD, some people instead check out photos which can be found online of the STD which they believe that they have. ...

Karla News

Teen Health: 5 Common Myths About STDs

Teens are often not well-informed about STDs (sexually transmitted diseases). So much information gets passed around and they often don’t ask questions. Many sexual education classes do not teach teens enough either, they just cover the basics and that’s it. Because of this many teens think that the five common myths about STDs are actually ...

Is it Syphilis or a Genital Pimple?

Have you noticed a pimple on your genital area? If so, you may be wondering if it is a pimple or syphilis. While it is possible to get a pimple in the genital area which is not caused by a sexually transmitted disease (STD), there is a chance that it could be syphilis. Here are ...

Karla News

Should You Try Home Remedies for STDs?

If you have been diagnosed with a Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD), there is a good chance that you may be willing to do anything to get rid of it. A very basic Google search will provide you with a number of home remedies that are believed to get rid of STDs. This leads us to ...

How STDs Can Affect Your Pregnancy and Unborn Child

Sexually transmitted diseases, or STDs, are known to affect more than one and a half million women who are pregnant in the United States annually. What’s worse is that these statistics are predicted to increase in future years. You are probably already aware of the fact that STDs can have a huge effect on your ...