Articles for tag: Ear Infections, Ear Pain, Mullein, St Johns Wort

Natural Remedies for Treating Ear Infections

Otis Media is the term used for an ear infection. Ear infections are characterized by the swelling of the Eustachian tube. It can be accompanied by a fever, sore throat, runny nose, coughs, sinusitis and respiratory problems. Usually antibiotics are prescribed but there are other ways to treat ear infections on your own. Some common ...

Benefits of St Johns Wort and Other Natural Supplements for the Relief of Anxiety

Researchers at East Carolina University’s Department of Psychiatric Medicine recently published a guideline for physicians treating anxiety disorders, which included an evaluation of previous research concerning the benefits of St Johns wort, kava, inositol, valerian, passionflower and other nutritional or dietary supplements. Due in part to St John’s wort side effects and in part to ...

Karla News

Herbal Remedies to Quit Smoking

In the perspective of a lay person, there is no rhyme or reason presented in trying to quit smoking. Strong willed people fail, weak people succeed, con artists get rich and smokers get frustrated and ripped off. Personally, as a smoker, giving nicotine patches or gum to a smoker trying to quit is like giving ...

Karla News

Does St. John’s Wort Work for Anxiety?

St. John’s wort is one of the world’s most well-known medicinal herbs. It effectively combats symptoms of mild to moderate depression in the vast majority of people, and it produces fewer side effects than conventional treatments such as serotonin-selective reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) medications. Although much more known for its use as a depression treatment, St. ...

Cure Stomach Virus Fast and Naturally!

This one herb will stop the symptoms of a stomach virus in a couple of hours. In fact, St. Johns Wort tincture will work for most stomach related complaints caused by viruses, food poisoning or overindulgence in wrong foods. As with any herbal remedy, you need to exercise caution and seek medical advice if symptoms ...

Best Medicinal Herbal Teas

Do you have taking medicine when you are sick? I know I do because I am very sensitive to over the counter and prescription medicines and prefer natural alternatives that are gentler and healthier for my body and work just as well. Some of the best alternative medicines for common illnesses come in the form ...