Articles for tag: Speech Delays

Karla News

Autism Communication Delays

Why are the communication delays in Autistic people so noteworthy? Some patients are severely affected, and stay in their own world while some can function in the real world. Of the three areas that Autism effects, Autistic children have significant delays in their conversational skills and this causes delays across the board. Medications, behavior modifications, ...

Treatment for Sensory Integration Dysfunction

Sensory Integration Dysfunction is becoming increasingly recognizable and diagnosed in children and in their parents. Most people have at least heard of it, and many know someone who is affected by it. When I worked with individuals with autism, I was first introduced to sensory integration dysfunction, but now I know quite a few children ...

Karla News

What is an Attached Upper Lip Frenulum in a Baby?

You may have heard of “tongue-tie,” or anchored tongue which is when the frenulum under the tongue is abnormal and restricts the movement of the tongue ( But an extended upper lip frenulum is different. An extended upper lip frenulum can cause different issues for infants, babies and children. In some cases the upper lip ...

Karla News

Tips for Developing Baby’s Speech Patterns

It is normal for parents to worry when their baby’s speech patterns seem slow or null when compared to others in the same age group. Some may even go into panic mode believing that something is wrong with their child, however on most occasions this is not the case. At What Age Do Babies Begin ...

Does Drinking Alcohol Kill Brain Cells?

Anyone who’s seen a person who’s had “one too many” knows that alcohol affects the brain. Slurred speech, incoordination, and saying inappropriate things all are reminders of alcohol’s impact on brain function. It’s sometimes said that drinking alcohol kills brain cells and can lead to permanent brain damage. Is this really true? Are you putting ...