Articles for tag: Easy Off, Spackle

Tips to Maximize Profit with the House Flip

Flipping houses has become very popular and has sparked a number of television shows that gloss over the small details of what it takes to flip a house and maximize profits. If you aren’t willing to get a little dirty and invest your own time and sweat, be prepared to lose a significant chunk of ...

How to Repair a Hole in Drywall

Have you ever thrown a door open too far and had the doorknob go through the wall? Has anyone in your household lost their cool and punched a hole in the wall? Have you ever lost your hold on a piece of furniture, while moving it, and put a hole in the wall? If you ...

Karla News

How to Patch a Very Big Hole in Drywall

After cutting large chunks of drywall out in search of a mystery leak in my home, I was left with the need to learn how to patch a very big hole in drywall firmly and seamlessly. The worst holes were beside and behind the toilet, as well as under the sink. To repair such big ...

Karla News

5 Home Repairs You Can Do Yourself

You don’t need a carpenter, painter, or some other professional every time you have a problem in your apartment, condo, or house. In fact, there are plenty of household repair jobs that you can do yourself with ease. Anyone can do these jobs, so don’t waste your money calling a professional on such small things. ...

Painting Walls: Tips and Tricks

Painting a room? Here’s tips to help. Paint a room you can be proud of. A combination of wall preparation, the right tools, and the right painting technique will make your project a success. First: Clean the Walls Use a no-rinse household detergent that is safe for painted surfaces. Wash the walls, and then rinse ...

Karla News

How to Wallpaper Over Paneling

Dark paneling can make a room appear closed in and small, which is why many homeowners choose to wallpaper over paneling. This is not a difficult task, but it does require a few additional steps than wallpapering a painted surface. In this article we will discuss how to wallpaper over paneling to achieve the best ...