Articles for tag: Country Music Songs, Societies

Karla News

Syncretism in America

Syncretism can be termed as a process of integrating two or more aspects dominant in societies with a goal of coming up with a clone which is generally acceptable by the overall society. These social aspects can incorporate issues such as religious practices, cultural practices, linguistics and even politics. Basing on American society settings, the ...

Karla News

War, Aggression and Human Nature

Is war mankind’s answer to survival, progress, or the pursuit of power? In primitive societies, war was accepted as the norm. Members of the society were aware that they were under a constant threat. War and warlike acts were a part of the understood interaction with other societies and cultures. Peace was merely an interlude ...

Karla News

From Paleolithic to Neolithic: The Transition to Agriculture

The development of agriculture and the movement from a Paleolithic hunter-gatherer lifestyle to a domesticated Neolithic society has long been regarded as arguably the greatest development in human history. Agriculture was developed around 7000 BC and began its widespread implication in Africa and across Europe. Colonizers began to settle along rivers in order to create ...

Karla News

Abandonment of the Elderly

The U.S. Administration on Aging defines elder abandonment as “the desertion of an elderly person by an individual who has assumed responsibility for providing care for an elder, or by a person with physical custody of an elder.” Causes of abandonment vary depending upon culture. Traditional societies may abandon the aged to increase the chance ...

Karla News

Social Deviants Are Created by Society

Recently, I read an article, Ironies of Social Control: Authorities as Contributors to Deviance Through Escalation, Non-enforcement and Covert Facilitation, Marx, Gary (MIT). There are discussions of many key arguments that are within societies. Sometimes, we do not stop to think about these issues until it is too late and we are sitting in the ...